Why does no one care about yemen being bombed?

Why does no one care about yemen being bombed?

Attached: YEMEN-SECURITY-war-rtr.jpg (770x433, 38.17K)

Yemen got bombed? lol
>Why don't ppl care
full of niggers

looks like a cloud, OP

I don't know what that is

I don't care about brown people

it only matters to the masses if the victims are white

Yemen is a shithole with barren farmland and ammonium nitrate.

All they do is supply bombs to the middle east.

Fuck Yemen, they can eat every dick and die.

Ye what ?

because it's not bordering EU

isn't yemen being bombed a regular occurrence?

Boy I sure am sleepy. Anyone else feeling sleepy?

Thats just sand

We're done with africa. africa cannot be fixed. you want to defend them, go to it.

globhomo didn't say to care about it

Because sandniggers have been doing this since time immemorial. There is a reason the Ottomans didn’t even bother with the Arabian peninsula other than capping Hejaz.

I am sleepy... yaaaawn... why don't we all just take a nap? We can always take care of this another day...

ZOG losing Europe would be more bad.

Only because I've smoked like 2 bowls and it isn't even noon yet. But yes.
>captcha: 0RGAY
Lmao whut

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Because it's Yemen

Because niggers live there

>Canada flag
>crying about the Mid East
Pretty sure Mid East news networks talk about it constantly same reason western news networks talk about Ukraine. Crazy I know.
Sage and kill yourself


What about semen?

>burger flag
Nuff said

When you see it

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saudi arabia gets a pass

Because we actually buy far more significant amounts of oil from the Saudis than from Russia. For some reason.

i see frog

Who cares about niggers

You suck.

Any Forums is racist OP.

Attached: the eternal cloud.png (855x477, 246.59K)

>Pretty sure Mid East news networks talk about it constantly
ackshually, nope, mid east news is just as kiked.