Russia has lost. It's over

Russia has lost. It's over.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 15-59-21 FM2S3YUWUAQL9Eb (JPEG Image, 1024 × 864 pixels) – Scaled (77%).png (754x541, 479.79K)

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They are winning retard

[[ REJECT ]]


Not over yet. Russia has more to lose. Time to remove Russia from Crimea. Time to remove Putin from Russia.

Just heard that Ukraine blew up 17,000 Russian tanks this morning bros. It’s over!

twitter likes and ugly roasties putting shitole flags on their profile pics cant win a war, chud

The Ghost of Keeeeev just destroyed 99 Planes without reloading !

No, they're winning.

All MEOW WARS veterans say URAH!

Yeah you are fucked the dow is at 33666 they are about to rod from God putin


Sage 1 post faggot sage

2 more convoys destroyed! Estimated 15.000 tanks evaporated for the Russians!

The Ukraine wins just keep getting bigger and bigger when Russia moves further into the country.

user, I like how you are thinking.

Damn who could have predicted this powerful woke propaganda would win this war?

Also last night it held at 88 for the futures most of the night. Because the nazis are going to take putin down from 7k miles away.

Are they? Try to isolate yourself from your first impulses and observe all the information you have available. Now. Do you still think that invading Ukraine equals winning?

The image is symbolic.
The lion is only a shadow.
All what is there is a cat.

Zelensky is a fucking hero with huge balls compared to Pootin

Attached: monkeyshines.jpg (600x415, 31.88K)

Ukrainian is on the outskirts of Moscow right now.

two more weeks


Russia ruined its future for a land grab in Ukraine. I wouldn't call this winning. Once Putin dies, so will Russia. Putin destroyed Russia better than anyone else ever could.
