If the West is so democratic, why not let the PEOPLE vote on whether to sanction Russia?

Are you afraid that the people you claim to represent will not go along with your acts of aggression?

Attached: Father The Unanostovl.jpg (740x416, 22.45K)

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The retards will vote to go to war.

I think you mean let the people have non rigged elections

Will they?
If they won't vote for sanctions, why would they vote for war?

oy vey you anti semite 6 gorillion children are dying every second we can’t let a bunch of stupid goyim decide their fate

This faggot was not even elected. It's grotesque.

Most people don’t want war. And those that do probably would never join, let alone fight on the front lines.

Because it’s a republic, not a democracy.

I think the majority support sanctions desu

It seems to me that every time the regime makes the mistake of asking the people if they want globalism, the people reject it. Just look what happened in the UK. The arrogant elite thought that the people would vote to remain in the EU. Despite all the politicians campaigning against it and despite 24/7 propaganda against it, they voted to leave. This is because, despite all the lies of the jews, people are naturally nationalistic and want closed borders.

Republic = oligarchy of "experts" and politicians.

Thats what I dont understand about US democracy. Aren't you just electing a dictator for 4 years?

The USA is a representative republic, not a direct democracy. Crack open a book once in a while.

Most popular president in US history

I would vote for war but I would relocate to Australia to watch it in 4K on my TV.

Yet you Zogbots lie all the time and claim that the US is protecting democracy. It is no such thing.
The US is not a republic, it is a dictatorship of lawyers, kikes, and politicians.

Digital voting mixed with mail in ballots meant that representative democracy is unnecessary now anyways. The point of it was to circumvent geographical hurdles with travel times, not because the representative was deemed to be some all knowing better person than you. We could pass every single law on referendum if we wanted to.

and all the republics representatives are retarded gay niggers perfectly representing their constituency. voting rights were a mistake

There hasn't been a democracy since ancient Greece. Especially with the technology we have now, mp's should be advisory only and all laws voted on by the citizens (ideally, 2/3s majority to enact, simple majority to repeal).


Hang this faggot. Install Voting system. We vote on everything. There would be no more war.

The only people who want war are faggots who do not fight. Like you.

Also they realize if they did that that all the normies would zone out and never vote on things and all the libertarian types would vote on every single issue and it would destroy them instantly. I'm not saying it would work in practice, only that the reasons normies believe in don't make any practical sense. Bread and circus is all they really care about

I've written a lot about how one can design a government that resolves many of the issues that a direct democracy would have in a way that not only works (at least in theory) but also would drastically improve the normies mentally.
That said, my goal at present is to call out the hypocrisy of the globo homo elite.
They are not defenders of democracy. They are a ruthless oligarchy of "experts" and lawyers. The people are never consulted and the system is designed to sideline the will of the people.

"Representation", even leaving inherent corruptibility and obligations to donors aside, is a package deal fallacy. Almost nobody agrees wholesale with every one of his chosen party's or mp's positions on every issue.