Why aren't these countries neutral? Allied neither with the West or East...

Why aren't these countries neutral? Allied neither with the West or East. If none of these countries had joined NATO in the 90s this war wouldn't be happening right now. Fact. Russia let you go in 1990 because they expected you to be neutral like Austria and Switzerland. Not join NATO and the EU and host American bases and missiles. baka.

Attached: Visegrád Group.png (777x600, 194.71K)

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Because those countries get trampled over the hardest during war.

Even if we took the side no one would follow us, or even worse they would use it as an excuse to backstab us.

Anyway we already have 3 gorrilion Ukrainians here not to mention the fence niggers

Finding it difficult to accept the "poor little me" angle from the single biggest country in the world.
There has never been any interest in invading Russia. Why would there be? The whole purpose of NATO is for far smaller nations to protect themselves from their aggression - which we are now seeing wholly justified. Meanwhile Putin is threatening the likes of Sweden and Finland not to join NATO, else they get invaded, not that that helped Ukraine whatsoever.

Putin has lost the argument. All he has now is threats and ultimatums.

I mean, it has a lot of resources. But it's also corrupt and was reasonably stable for quite a long time, so there was no need to invade it.

And he makes good on those threats.

Russia has nothing to lose, Finland and Sweden has

the war wouldn't happen if we nuked you niggers

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Russia has everything to lose through mutually assured destruction, it's more to do with Putin. If he feels that his tenure as president is coming to an end, if he feels defeated and humiliated and that he personally has nothing to lose, I'm not sure he'd give a fuck about what happens to Russia or Russians, he is a man willing to sacrifice people in their millions in pursuit of his imperial ambitions. He may take the view that if he can't win then nobody can. I don't believe he'd step down for the good of his country or people, the man is an egomaniac and I hope the Russian population wake up and smell the coffee soon.


Yeah, why would sovereign countries not be controlled by Russia? It's almost like they're allowed to decide things for themselves or something.

>It's almost like they're allowed to decide things for themselves or something.
They never have decided things for themselves throughout the course of their existence. They have always lived under someone's boot. Primarily under ours.

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Because the US has infiltrated every government in Europe like a cancer. The whole of Europe is under US occupation since 1945 and there will never be peace until every NATO shill is exiled from life

You are 30 and have always lived under your mom's boot.

They are independent and can do whatever the fuck they please

get a life bro

Russia loves "neutral" state, they just can place puppet head of states, like Lukashenko, and have them do whatever they want. Neutrality also leaves them vulnerable to a potential russian invasion like the ongoing one in Ukraine.

those are some choice words for somebody that was under our control for longer because you were cucks to hungary that was our bitch


So fucking naive.
If these countries were not in NATO, Russia would bully them for every little thing.

Cope, Janusz.

Attached: Polish history.jpg (700x513, 107.73K)

How should we do that? We have a puppet installed government that does evrything the globohomo says.


Because they know from ancestral Experience not being allied with the west means being buttfucked by vodkaniggers.

Fuck off faggot. See what happened to Ukraine.
Ukraine removed even it's nuclear missiles since they agreed with the Russians that they'll never be invaded then. Look what happens. Now imagine if the V4 didn't joined NATO or the EU. You American are so astronomically stupid.

Because NATO pays their leaders in little boys to let them point missiles at Moscow

>There has never been any interest in invading Russia.

Ehh If you go back more than the last few years Russia got invaded a fuckload. If it happened once, it can happen again. And it's happened a lot over the past few hundred years.

Because how can you build a one world government when people refuse to join your globohomo organizations?

no thank you, better dead than red

being neutral is a meme. everyone let switzerand alone just because of their money laundering capabilities for the whole world. more truly neutral countries do not exist and we know ivans cannot be trusted. look at ukraine giving up nuclear weapons for exchange of teritorrial integrity - this shit it just doesn't work with russia.

vodkaniggers are the ones who gave you freedom in the first place in 1990 though... you didnt "earn" your freedom.