Europe Union must act smart

If they don't allow us, we will side with Russia and destroy Europe. This is the last calling. Side with us or we side with Russians. We seeing Europe is not so strong against Russians rn.

It is over for Europe.

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i want another white on white war. do what you do best white man

Declare a no fly zone so this shit gets nuclear.


kys turkroach shill

we aren't having syria on our border you cockroach

Well... Turkey vs EU would be brown vs white

My opinion about turkey is shifting. I have opened many twitch streams of turkish girls and they're surprisingly WHITE and CUTE. I say you get rid of retard Erdogan, and bring girls and those new anti-russian drones and you're WELCOME.

>Well... Turkey vs EU would be brown vs white

all america, europe, middle east- including jewsreal, russia, ukrain to nuke eachother.

we can finally reach world peace.

Nice vpn Mehmet

>If they don't allow us, we will side with Russia and destroy Europe.

You promise?
Ok i don't allow you,get to work.

>allow us
What? You want to join EU? Why?

Yea because all of you africa niggers would simply starve without white men's aid...hence the peace

Sorry Mahut, your government is already staying neutral on this.
Nothing you can do to swing one way or another.

are finlandia nigger becoming the next polish guys after they had their minutes here in becoming increasingly stupid in about everything they say

>Allow us in the eu.

>We'll side with Russia.
Maybe for a time. But we know you want some of Russian lands to larp as ottoman empire 2.0.

You're not in EU.
Greek with vpn.

fuck off, russia is going to be our ally

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EU can get benefit for Turkey and Europe.
Stayin neutural is wise choice but we will see it.
No one has interest in Russian lands retard. This age is not like old times anymore. Imagine faction like China-Russia-Turkey-UAE-Qatar-Pakistan-Bangladesh stuff. EU has no chance.

I support ending NATO and Europe.
Our lives have been so shit under this globohomo I say we try out some Sino-Russian rule

>Yea because all of you africa niggers would simply starve without white men's aid...hence the peace

how many world wars has africa started?

how many has the white man started?

look at every attrocity of significance it comes from the white man.

>allow us
no. nobody can stand you irl and thats a sad fact. i was able to make friendly interaction with people from about 20-30 nations - it never happend with turks. never. literally never. nobody of my friends and family make it happen either. its not me, idc were you mother was in hospital givin birth to you and what passport you got bc of that. i dont care if you need suntanlotion or not during summer. nobody can fuck with you. literally nobody. there are mixed expats from all over the place over here and nobody likes you. you cant blend in. its you. you are not compatible. you know it. we know it. you know it that we know it. why pretend to not knowing it?


Do it. End globohomo

I don’t think it would be in turkeys best interest to be in the European Union. You’re country’s going to be much bigger than that. Just focus on making good trade deals with Bulgaria and Romania for now

Why would you want to be lumped in with inferior continental scum that will pillage your economy and force even more slavoid and Balkan migrants into your country? You will be screaming for TREXIT in less than a year.

We are empire builders destined to make life hell for continental e*rocucks, fuck them and fuck their union

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Because you are racist and being prejudiced. Don't talk with gangster wannabes, talk with smart people.