GDP & Economy Is a Scam

>Ruble drops nearly 40%
>Insane sanctions imposed
>Russian banks near default
>Average worker salary cut from 600 rubles done to nearly 350

This is catastrophic for Russian economy but as you can see Russia is still functioning. Even if The Zionists Crash Russia's Economy to North Korea Tier, it doesn't matter. North Korean economy is nearly non existent and everyone is broke yet the country keeps functioning.

Putin has shown the world that >"muh economy"
>"Much GDP"
Is all a fake kike central bank scam to trick people into working and paying taxes to the jew

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>not even a week passes since invasion
>already arrives at conclusions
kys nigger retard

Don’t be a nigger

+10 rubles was deposited into your account in india. which is now worth 6, Volodya, I'm sorry

The only result sanctions will give, is that majority of poor population of russia will start to hate all the world, even if they didn't support ukraine invasion. You basically make the only way for russia to exist is to conquer or destroy entire world.


Or your leader could literally just stop invading another country and the sanctions would stop lmao


give the sanctions a full year, then we're talking


No one can control him, he is absolute monarch.

not being a smartass here that can look into the future BUT:
possibility is there to quickly rebuild all the damage done now

The "everyone is broke" part is what fucks you the most, you tard.

Soon you'll have no internet btw

>tolerate us being invasive landgrabbers or we become even more destructive invasive landgrabbers
every time. Is it so hard just to poison that nigger ape running your country and install someone slightly less insane?

I have got some Russian friends here and I am sorry for you, ordinary citizens. I do not hate you. These sanctions should be targeted only to the elite.

OP is a faggot
Hard assets don’t depreciate
Russia is the Eden of natural resources

>Russia is still functioning
>Even if the Zionists crash Russia's Economy to North Korea Tier, it doesn't matter.

Yeah I am pretty sure an upper-middle class Russian with 100 ruble monthly budget is loving this even more now it is 10!

I agree we don't hate Russian people but same is true for all the countries doing sanctions. All our governments do whatever they want and hardly any people support them. 95% of Americans even the crazy libs would rather have cheaper gas than "owning le Putin" but we are all at the mercy of our unelected (even in USA) leaders

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA!! OH FUCK, you mean, literally ... trust an American and even better, a jew? A politician? Holy fuck you Americans are retarded.

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>These sanctions should be targeted only to the elite.

You have a very small brain. The entire elite is against the war. Because they are losing money.

Ok for the brainlets here, Russias economy is very self sufficient. Sanctions won't bring it to collapse. Sure the average Russian worker lives like shit but its not like Putin would care. Also, prior to the war, Russia had amassed massive foreign currency reserves, which means it can hold out for months.

Nobody doubts the Russians will survive, but they will soon realize they are on the path to total north korea, being isolated economically and by travelling opportunities. Even fucking iphones are stopped being selled in Russia and many other things. Companies and employers are leaving, which will result in higher unemployment. Oil and gas will have less buyers, which will mean less employed. It will keep on growing like a snowball, discontent will rise and the state will start using more and more repressive measures, even now you get fucking jailed for calling it anything else than a "special operation"

Nothing has changed for the Russian economy. Some Jew money changers are doing their best to sell off Rubbles. Good. Russia will dump some gold for dollars and buy up all outstanding Rubbles super cheap. Better idea...dump all foreign deposits of Rubbles so they can't be repatriated by adopting new currency regime backed by gold and oil. Jesus can these people not know how to wage financial war?



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The man knows exactly what he is doing. In one swoop he's pushed NATO back, set up a new international petro-Yaun in a triangular trade will all the countries that fucking hate Zionist America and set the stage for a collapse of the America Jew fiat kike shekel.

Have are things holding up there Ivan?

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You know cannibalism is common in best korea right?

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