This is the "man" Any Forumstards support because muh globohomo

>this is the "man" Any Forumstards support because muh globohomo

no wonder you are all chud incels kek

Attached: IMG_20220302_073244.jpg (1034x1643, 743.59K)

>no wonder you are all chud incels kek

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propaganda man, change the flag pls.


You have to change the flag, traitor.

Trudeau would be proud

you don't wanna know NATO's plans for children lad

>>no wonder you are all chud incels kek

Attached: 77f.png (600x903, 247K)

shut up jew

>If you disagree with me you must be a jew!

Kys subhuman

tornatene nell'avena oscura retard

Taci povero coglione

you can tell its a lie, because they still have the offending signs in custody.

Attached: russia shills.jpg (1400x1095, 154.15K)

>Putin is literally double Hitler!!1

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Thats funny because none of those niggers look like the chechens, this pic actually looks like your typical American classroom

>you must choosea side
No we told you we don't care about either slavnigger side here. Not my problem.

I don't give a rancid shit about Russia or Ukraine. Nobody I know our care about is even remotely from those places. The reason I'm rooting for Putin is because he makes you niggers mad as fuck and I will always hate you more for what you've done to the west than I ever could some faggoty slavs squatting in a basement to hide from mortar fire.

>I don't give a rancid shit about Russia or Ukraine. Nobody I know our care about is even remotely from those places. The reason I'm rooting for Putin is because he makes you niggers mad as fuck and I will always hate you more for what you've done to the west than I ever could some faggoty slavs squatting in a basement to hide from mortar fire.

Attached: 1599339078778.png (1390x1314, 124.31K)

They would be arrested in the west for taking their masks off

Manipulating kids in to your self destructive political ideology is child abuse, take those kids away from their parents.

Attached: 6E1FB76A-2151-40E9-BC26-43B249447049.jpg (618x612, 59.59K)


Get a better script and come back when you all can shill better.

When you lie enough even kids stops belive you.