Why are they such good fighters?

why are they such good fighters?

Attached: 1645688654979.png (220x285, 33.29K)

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the power of racism

(((they were funded and trained by you know who)))

Best if azov die with churkas and muscovites


They never lose their heads in battle

They are going to be crushed and devastated for the sake of a greater Christian empire. Vlad Putin is a solid orthodox Christian leader

Attached: A Christian leader.jpg (720x885, 205.02K)

Because they use residential neighborhoods as bases and civilians as human shields.

Based. That's a nazi would do.

Solid orthodox Christian leader who already killed more white Christians than ISIS. Not even atheist leaders in the West ever stooped that low.

Hitler guides their bullets.


The only non larp white millitia...
And Any Forums shits on it and cheers non whites killing ukrainians

Foreigners OUT OUT OUT

idk, they seem to be fighting like headless chickens

Attached: GHOSTOFKIEV.webm (264x480, 918.01K)

Nothing wrong with Nazis. You can't support them if they are being exploited by kikes though.

Attached: 1645928802660.jpg (395x750, 67.82K)

the 50 Кoпeйкa army is shilling non stop on pol

>OP hides behind australian flag while shilling for the ukis
>snake island
>ghost of Kiev
>good fighters

Attached: shot0001.png (620x480, 873.81K)

where are the webm?

The same reason the Nazis almost took the whole of Europe on their own, white purity flowing through their veins