Since all the queer ass leftists on the left hate Russia again mind you...

Since all the queer ass leftists on the left hate Russia again mind you, and they're all banding together against Russia, and the leftists are more evil than sin or anything else comprehensible, wouldn't that make Russia the good guys ?

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Don't tell me you've been falling for the shill efforts to spam Any Forums with pro-Ukraine crap.

Russians are literally leftist communists though.

I mean just a thought, they're cold calculating gangstalking and communist like tactics already proved that , they're gaslighting and immorality already proved that, so just maybe, just maybe the Russians are the good guys despite being morally ambiguous.

no matter which side wins there will be less whites

but what are we seeing in the west right now with degenerate leftists? Do they not already employ certain psychological tactics to specific targets ?

>literally everyone in the entire world hates you
>"Are we the good guys?"
bro u srs rn?

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Gopniks aint white, hohols aint white. Niggers using runes for a language. Fuck em all

what if the Russians invade the west and clear out all the muslims and Africans that many Europeans and to some extent conservatives have been bitching about that nobody wants to address or admit is a problem.

the only good guy is Jesus. the rest of this shit doesn't matter.

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I accept call from uncle Vlad or even daddy Vlad because fuck everyone who ever screwed me over that's what.

I used to have empathy but man your constant gaslighting and human rights violations, death threats, constant shit talking has made me cold hearted than a mother fuck.

I'm just with Russia in this situation.

get this, fags and trannies drink water

"fr fr no cap" get the rake

I don't trust leafs. You guys aren't allowed to speak freely and can only spew "correct speech" and propaganda. Your voice is now invalid.

this is the wanted outcome

russia is centrist-traditionalist.
commies and liberals are not welcomed here.

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We have the nukes bitch wtf are you gonna do ? What's the U.S gonna do ? Put some jackass orange nigger to placate the masses or better yet fragile faggy Joe who sniffs kids ? Your all a bunch of fucking clowns , Vlad doesn't just talk the talk , he fucking walks it , like him or hate him you gotta respect the guy for not being a little fucking bitch.

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Yeah this shit right here , everything is a catch 22 with you guys and I'm getting fucking tired of it.

Nigger wop spic faggot chink i can say anything baby its The Great White North

Durr duurr durr go fuck yourself your probably some nigger loving schizo chink

Keep it up and you'll be arrested.

Russia aint gunna ave you from Tyrone and you arent welcome in the Yukon, now go kneel to niggers you kike worshipping faggot

Outcome is predetermined

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