The Denazification of Ukraine started western cucks!

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Other urls found in this thread:


post the link you dumb bitch

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Where are the vids?

>expecting a link from nu-Any Forums

This but unironically


Make a Telegram account and go watch it western nigger.

So is Kharkov done for if Azov got overrun?

Kharkov got overrun 3 hours ago nigger

Where is the link

>Telegram account
get out!

Attached: GETOUT.jpg (1108x592, 84.91K)

>holy shit look at this thing!
>no I will not provide proofs


But there's no video, just the screenshot

if only that were the case. the trannies and champagne communist are pro ukraine

>no link
Gayreek cunt, no surprise they are lazy fuckers.

Fuck telegram


user...take a step back from the Ghosterino of Kieverino propaganda and look at what's really going on.
Ukraine's capital is fucking surrounded.
The tanks and convoys that the media told you are being bogged down and ambushed are taking cities.
Kharkiv (their second largest city) just got its main government building hit by a missile

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So it's another case of FALSE AND HOMOSEXUAL.

>Any Forums cheers as chechen muslims behead right wingers

lmao the absolute state of this board, also there is no video

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More russokike propaganda

Attached: Russia Kikes.jpg (1080x810, 361.65K)

Moar silly propaganda.

Sounds like bullshit.

Based Chechens

Oh no the war crime battalions face off

this is unironically a left wing board now.
it started off with everyone pretending to be a leftist to bait, but you can only signal boost so long before you actually change the board alignment

I hate this world. I fucking hate it.

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anti-russian propaganda if anything.
beheadings of pows would be the last thing in the world the russians would want getting out there.

Muslims are more rightwing than you will ever be

No but they are le evil neo Nazis

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No they aren't. Muslims are the fucking shit stains of the human race. No one and nothing is worse than a Muslim.

you are going to make the shills seethe

looks like it's bullshit OP pic is from old donbass vid
nothing to see here

Ukranians do the exact same thing
Not videos of the actual killing, but close ups of fresh bodies
Disrespect on both sides

Because russia has been a master of optics up until now right?

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Why because they don't let women run wild.
Fucking simp.

>Any Forums supporting headchopper Allahu akhbar terrorists killing white men.
Never let anyone tell you that Any Forums has a wider ideology than contrarianism

this but unironically

Where are the war crime webms? It's fap time and i'm all out of inspiration

This shit really breaks my heart if it is true. I’ve known some for the azov people.

>like trophies
same shit ukraine has been doing

>Muslims are more rightwing than you will ever be

So then why is Any Forums crying about muslim migrants? I don't personally care about being right wing but muslims deserve sword through the stomach like the Crusaders did

3a. "(2116) 'A'ishah said : The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) married me when I was seven years old. The narrator Sulaiman said : Or six years. He had intercourse with me when I was nine years old." Sunan Abu Dawud vol.2 book 5 ch.700 no.2116 p.569

3b. "(4913) 'A'ishah said : I used to play with dolls. Sometimes the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) entered upon me when the girls were with me. When he came in, they went out, and when he went out, they came in." Sunan Abu Dawud vol.3 book 36 ch.1769 no.4913 p.1373

Note carefully this is NOT saying Mohammed had intercourse with A'isha while her playmates were watching. Rather it says the playmates played with her, and they went out when Mohammed came by, and could come back after he was finished with her.

3c. "(4915) 'A'ishah said : The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) married me when I was seven or six. When we came to Medina, some women came. According to Bishr's version: Umm Ruman came to me when I was swinging. They took me, made me prepared and decorated me. I was then brought to the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him), and he took up cohabitation with me when I was nine. She halted me at the door, and I burst into laughter.

>man who has never thrown a faggot off a building or stoned his wife to death for refusing sex thinks Muslims are too liberal
>more copes on the way

it's absolutely beautiful to see this board going full shizo. sit back and enjoy the ride

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Okay, and?

what's the account

I don't support dumbass retarded savages who worship an imbecilic god who doesn't exist while exalting a fucking pedophile who raped a nine year old girl and then wore her clothes to receive "greater visions from god"
Miss me with that subhuman bullshit.