What are you giving up for Lent

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Sex with Morgan Fairchild...

Doing the traditional lenten fast, no meat, no dairy, probably gonna cut back on oil too for good measure. It'll be a good opportunity to lose some weight and reset my tastebuds.

Freedom and so are you

gay porn

This Website.

Alcohol and cigarettes.

Nothing for an imaginary kike on a stick.

i'm sorry you feel like you need to speak like that in order to have power over the things that hold you back.

driving sober

Not weed

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we increase the amount of prayer and fast from next week til the end of April. no meat, dairy, wine, oil.

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Acute radiation poisoning.

Nothing, because the observance of Lent is never commanded in Scripture. :)

It's implied. A sacrifice no less than Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the desert. To spiritually cleanse you in anticipation of Easter.

Nothing because I don't worship the Jewish god

Reading one gospel chapter a night over Lent, which is just about enough to do all of Mark and Luke.