"Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people."

>"Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people."

Is he wrong?

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lol no, he actually gained the hearts and souls of the Iranians because he helps them.

>A pound of Ukrainian people...

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People claiming he has a speech impediment in replies. I have never heard that claim before. Is that something new to try to cover up his failing speech?

>he can't even read a pre-written speech without making a retarded mistake

He's old and has Alzheimer's

Post the video for those who don’t know! (And before it gets shoah’d) youtu.be/96TTTfllYoQ

I heard Uranian

That statement of hif just changed my mind on the usa. DEATH TO AMERICA

>Putin is going to cook them down and sell lard made from ukrainian people to Israel by the pound.

It's Kiev faggot. 4vawj

It's a quote, leafs have the worst fucking takes.

the worst part is that it's not even live they have to edit this shit like a bad sitcom. this was the best possible version out of multiple takes

Me too and that’s even more crazy

The Iranians are gonna give every inch of their energy

I probably couldn't pronounce EVERY word correctly in an hour long speech either.

Your asking to much of those retard to properly say kiev brainwash nation of faggot


At least the gas is not at 10$ and we can take our mask off am i right second amendment huuuuurr duuuur

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why in god's name was the STATE OF THE UNION about russia and ukraine. They truly are going to send us all to war. God fucking damnit

hi, wuggy

Die for tyrone bitch!

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Because Biden has nothing positive to say about how things at home are going, because he literally can't not fuck up everything he does.

He grew up with a stutter. It's barely noticeable anymore but it still comes up sometimes. I know this because I have a stutter too.

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not attractive.