An ordinary guy from Siberia. Ask me anything

I'm living in the part of Russia which is quite distant to the major events occuring now.
Have seen the similar threads lately here.

Just a brief bio of me.
I'm considered to be ethnical Russian, but have the Ukranian-like surname and some asian-like facial features.
I work as a manager in a small trade-service company. Before 2014 I used to have about 1000 USD monthly income, then it turned to be less than 400 for a period of time.
All the goods we are selling and spare parts using are from China and Korea, so my income is strongly dependent from the currency rates.
I've never been into politics, but went to the elections every year, as well as local ones and have been voting the opposites of the ruling party.
Never been to the mass meetings though, because I have a family to take care of, since I'm bringing the major income and from the recent times having a little son.
I've never had any negative opinion to the slav people (Ukranian, Belarus etc,), watched tons of Ukranian TV-shows, wanted to visit Kiev and Odessa. Always thought that the conflicts that the elites making won't be so severe as this time.
I've been quite tolerant to people of color (since Russia is a milticultural country, there's no severe racism here in general), to gay ppl. Some movies about gay-topic I still have on my list of favourites. But I'm tired lately from the amount of that shit in modern media. It's too much,. really, unbearable.
I've never been to the military. When I was at my younger age I was exempt from the obligatory military service.

I am a completely ordinary, average person, as far as possible it can be. I didn't want this war, and most ppl I know don't want it. But propaganda works good here. About 30% of ppl I know approve it.
The scale of media war now is enormous.
The elites has won, no one knows the real truth, even people holding guns and operating military enginery there also have no idea about the real purporses of all this bloody cruel game.

Attached: Siberia_Federal_Subjects.png (1622x960, 55.61K)

I realise, that if it comes to peace eventually, me, my children would bear a stigma of being a villian worldwide for decades. But I don't care, I just want this conflict to be seized as soon as possible.

shaped like a bloody cock from the fierce mauling russia is doing to itself

also, friend's wife is from yakutsk and I'm really wondering how shit life must have become, implying it wasn't already. good luck I guess siberian guy, just lay low and when the time comes consider moving. with the experience you have you can probably make triple that as a salary in europe, plus live a better life.

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What are the biggest differences in mindset between Russians and Westerners (or - if relevant - between different groups in the former USSR)?

Tell us about the alien abductions and sightings in the Ural Mountains.

I always wanted to travel to Russia, especially the rural areas. Is it worth it?

I hope you're actually who you say you are. I want to believe that Russians aren't evil and murderous enough to support this insanity

Be honest, how bad is the financial situation there really?

Is Pootine off his rockers or smt

How cold does it get there? Asking incase I get drafted for WW3.

I've heard some opinion that Russians are more Asians than Europeans. I personally don't think it's a complete truth.
I've been to several Asian countries and I'd say it would be difficult for me to live there for a long time. I've never been to Europe, though.
I guess the Russians are closer to Americans than to Europeans on their mindset. Mainly because they both think that their countries are the greatest Empires in the world, lol.

Don't have aught to ask but thanks for posting this.

Ural is quite far from me, only've seen some cheap local TV shows abou all that shit. Just like you, I guess

How fucked is the economy?

If you love nature and hiking, why not.
A friend of mine takes a vacation every summer for at least a month, grabs his gf, other friends, guitar, hops into a car and they just seek some local places to have a rest on. Some small lakes, cozy forest eareas, etc.

Russia is the future of America if we keep destroying the middle class.
Everyone will be poor and even more powerless / in the dark about what the elite are up to.

Politcal elites - it's a true evil.
Ordinary people don't want war. And those who want - should be imprisoned, that's some socipath shit

>But I'm tired lately from the amount of that shit in modern media. It's too much,. really, unbearable.
This is why your country went to war. Yes, it is that dire. Putin had to do this. You guys are probably going to convert to the Yuan, which will become the next global reserve currency, replacing the US dollar. I think you should be fine.

It's already worse than it has been in 2014. And keeps getting worse.
The truth is - we won't be starving, since quite enough food supplies produces within the country. But everything else is getting more and more expencive, just getting out of hand.

I'm not a medium, lol

do you enjoy living in the middle of nowhere?
what's the population density?
do you enjoy your work?
what's religion there like?

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Where? In my area it''s +35C in summer and -40C in winter. But those are peak temperatures. It it's quite rare during the year.

It's the 1st time I posted anything on Any Forums.
And only a couple of days ago i've started looking through Any Forums

also, do you fear repercussions for stating your opinion publicly or online?

This website isn't good for you psychologically be careful and take care.