Realistically how close are we to nuketown?

Realistically how close are we to nuketown?

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>Nuking a barren wasteland
Why? Just carpet bomb it. Same difference.

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why would he nuke ukraine its on his border
thats stupid

Will never happen. USA is cutting its losses with Ukraine. That's why we haven't done anything.

That would be both incredibly awesome and incredibly stupid.

To midnight.
The hand
That beckons

>Realistically how close are we to nuketown?
The West doesn't care about Ukraine. This is all political theater. They aren't going to do anything. Putin outplayed them. Even their economic sanctions will not be enough.

>wanting to annex a wasteland
>wanting radiation to potentially linger into your own country
No, he won't.

air bursts are clean, ground bursts are dirty

Why doesn't a Ukraine ally devastate the Belarus military installations for aiding and abetting Putin.

To midnight.
To kill.
The unborn in the womb!

Because Putin will blame a hangnail on NATO and escalate like a raging manlet

At this point, everyone knows that he can just escalate anyways because it's all over if he does. Cancelling Russia is going to bring that anyways.

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Didn’t you people fucking learn ANYTHING?

You will know when the Jews start printing articles on how "Tactical Nukes are not Real Nukes, and that's a Good Thing"

nothing says we have a shared history and you're actually people from my country like resorting to nuclear weapons in order to get their compliance

It will be very close once the Ukrainian using the new fancy NATO weapons.

First you kicked up a beehive though. Now you will just wash your hands but it doesn't say nukes won't fly.

already using TOS1

vid from yemen

looks like little tact nukes

Nukes aren't real

He will launch the missiles during Biden's State of the Union address.


thats my feeling too