Why are there no right wing vegans / animal rights activists / environmentalists?

By "vegan" I'll include any diet / lifestyle that aims to reduce the suffering of sentient creatures and be more environmentally sustainable.

It seems like right wing people mock any attempt to treat animals better or conserve the environment. Some of them seem to pride themselves on the suffering and destruction that their lifestyle causes. I'm not sure if this behavior is inherent to their beliefs, or if they're exaggerating in order to make the left seethe.

On the flipside, it seems like everyone that is passionate about animal welfare is a rabid, radical leftist. I share nothing in common with these people outside of our feelings towards animals and the environment. Especially when they start connecting animal rights with anti-white and feminist talking points. I'd like to get involved with these movements but I'd get kicked out for being an evil bigoted Nazi.

Why is this such a politically polarized issue today? I would think that people on the left and right could find common ground on these issues, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Note: This is political, we're not talking about the diet / lifestyle itself but the politicization of it.

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Hitler was vegetarian

there's a lot of eco fascists out there

you're only noticing the extremely vocal ones
there are a lot of "right-wing" vegans/vegetarians, but they just shut up and get on with their lives, rather than tell everyone else how good they are

I know, and he eventually wanted the whole country to go vegetarian. The Third Reich was very progressive when it came to these issues.
Which is why it's strange that a lot of pro-Hitler / white nationalist types are the ones I see bragging about eating meat.


Excuse me?

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg (1218x1600, 363.44K)

Subverted By (((capitalists))) into supporting the environment destruction of their homeland

>Hitler was vegetarian
He wasn't. His cool even made him turtle soup.

So anyway, I think we should slowly wean ourselves off real meat as soon as the fake stuff is as good and I think that will happen in 20 years. What do you think?

Conflict of interest.

his cook*

>there are a lot of "right-wing" vegans/vegetarians, but they just shut up and get on with their lives, rather than tell everyone else how good they are
If they actually cared about this issue other than their individual health, they'd be talking about it. Nothing can change unless people are made aware of the problem and/or change their minds.
I feel like ecofascists are an incredibly fringe minority whereas I see a hell of a lot of both leftist SJW environmentalists and right-wing meat enthusiasts.

Our entire country lmao

TGO was a vegetarian or vegan for a long while I believe. He also made a few videos on environmentalism and why there’s nothing to be proud of when it comes to eating animals.

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There is but they know what they want and dont intrude on others. The vocal ones are usually insufferable faggots and not right wingers.

Also this is bait and slide but your entitled to your opinion on people

I dont know why being proud of your heritage and wanting to take care of the environment need to be exclusively separate.


I'd identify as a "conservationist" rather than an environmentalists.
>grew up rural farming community
>still here
>eat meat
>minimize suffering
>anti CAFO (any sort of "factory farming)
If you vegan faggots would learn to appeal to middle america by tuning your message and going after factory farms, you would actually get a lot of allies, and improve the welfare of a lot of animals.

He realized that it was the individual's choice, not something to force upon people
something todays "leftists" have long forgotten

clinging to tradition, there's absolutely no other reason, it's certainly not rational
anyone living in civilized society in 2022 and who isn't vegan is absolutely clueless

Veganism makes you a faggot. It also makes you stupid. Or at least less intelligent than you could be otherwise.

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Ionno man, I only buy pastured beef that has a great life with one bad day and would love for all niggers and kikes to be wiped from the face of the earth.

I don't either, they should go hand in hand especially people that have ancestral ties to the land
I think we can get by on seafood, primarily bivalves which can be farmed without causing suffering or environmental destruction. Factory farming of sentient animals is unacceptable, and we've reached a population size where that's really the only way to provide people with meat.

except vegans have on average higher IQs than carnists
nice try, dumbass

>life is precious and sacred and as humans with superior morals we must elevate ourselves above nature to make sure we aren't directly causing any harm to other living things
protecting the environment is sane because I live in it
veganism is just being emotional

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I'm a right wing vegetarian.

>I think we can get by on seafood,
Seafood is bad for my gout, but I hear you. I like it, but I got a feeling humanity needs more than that food group.

>Factory farming of sentient animals is unacceptable
Agreed. What needs to happen is that alternatives are created and pushed to drive down demand.
Don't get me wrong, I love meat, but I do feel badly for them.

>as the fake stuff is as good
Literally right now. Beyond burgers taste exactly the same as beef honestly. I switched to Bison, Yal, and Elk though.

>TGO was a vegetarian or vegan for a long while I believe.
Did not know this. I think I remember him emphasizing grassfed / pasture-raised stuff at one point.