What is wrong with negros?

>Poland accept ukrainian refugees
>between ukrainian women and children are niggers
>polish guard throws them at the end of the line because women and children first
>germans make tv program about polish racism
>Polish starts to let them in
>carmel skinned and other niggers push in front of women and children
>screem about racism
>occupied trains and buses for children and woman
>some of them stab the women
>now Polish ultras groups and nationalists hunting niggers on the border
why are they like this? why they did it to themself?


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Poland is hunting niggers in their borders?? Im so sad, I want to hunt niggers

>now Polish ultras groups and nationalists hunting niggers on the border
WHAT? And im here siting on indonesian fishspear crafting forum

Your cunt isn't letting in black or brown women either. They are the main ones talking about it.

now one of them explains that it's normal to kidnap a bus for women and children with knife in the hand

Poor little guy.

Now you know what western europeans have to deal with, they're not the same species

Wracaj do afriki charnuhu

dude, children and women

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>>now Polish ultras groups and nationalists hunting niggers on the border

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i have few hooligans friends, gonna ask them tomorrow if they are planning something

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Have you ever seen a feral cat injured and tried to pick it up and get help, only for it to attack you? That is essentially the nigger mindset. Don't let those things in to your country. And for God's sake, around blacks, never relax

Why are black people unable to realize that they are just an absolute fucking drag everywhere they go

fuck niggers niggers arent human Christ is King

Very few animals are self-aware. Elephants, cetaceans, some birds, and some dogs even, but not niggers. For whatever reason, niggers just aren't self-aware animals

black and brown women: twitter.com/myslozbir/status/1498786861111824391?s=20&t=qtkuG0aUPcokgysi6JxAYw

As far as I see, Poland should make it clear that all refugees coming from Ukraine are expected to go back once Ukraine is safe.

niggers aren't refugees

wherever niggers go
they must rape

>once Ukraine is safe.
Ukraine will never be safe, it is full of Ukrainians

Because niggers are not people they are beasts.
>don't feed stray animals

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You know how in experiments on rats, the rat will quickly learn to stop trying to eat the piece of electrified food? A nigger will try to eat a piece of electrified watermelon dozens of times until he chimps out and smashes the table in rage. They are near incapable of understanding negative consequences, and if they do understand a little, they'll be strangely confident as if they believe they're invincible. That's why they end up killing each other so often.