What is the ideology of modern Russia?

If the cold war was a conflict between Western "Capitalism" and "Democracy" and Soviet "Communism" what is this conflict?

Attached: Russia 3.jpg (916x608, 109.73K)

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I genuinely don't know. Some kind of combination of soviet nostalgia while at the same time hating soviets for destroying the Russian Empire.

russian and ukranian """oligarchs""" fighting over who gets to sell gas to europe

Eurasianism, the Fourth Political Theory, Duganism

Russia's ideology is Duginism. It's about "Atlanticists" vs "Eurasianism", unironically.

a synthesis of old russia with soviet russia within the patriotic war rethoric.

>implying Putin is smart enough to read Dugin

Energy markets and the ability to protect their border more easily. Just watch this faggots video and it does a good job of explaining it all. youtu.be/If61baWF4GE

Jewish oligarchy, anti fascism

You should be institutionalized

Attached: FKsP7r8XIAMjFEt.png (512x586, 249.97K)

democracy and freedom vs authoritarianism

to defend itself from global homogenization using all means. including nuclear weapons.

Imagine being the richest man in the world and then getting killed because you read too much Dugin.

globalism and anti-globalism. russia supports states sovereignity while west wants globohomo above all and make people consume

He speaks to him personally

at best
If Putin was smart he would've recognized Donbass as a part of Russia and not pull bullshit that led to this war

Why you lie brother, do you not know that Christ see our hearts?

Russian-ism, there is no better way to describe it. They are not ethno-nationalists, they can't be with a country of like 10 different ethnicities. They cherry-pick the best parts, real or imagined, from all periods of Russian history, and mash them together with no regard to their incompatibility. So we get a mess of Tzarist imperial tradition, Stalinist nostalgia, Orthodox Christianity, upon which they build their patriotism.

Yes this is what I would say "authoritarianism" and some type of "nationalism" but maybe not ethnic nationalism, not sure.

Because? I answered a question? Do I have some forbidden knowledge? Are you that afraid of it?

Did you read his speech in full?

Cuckoldfacist, very advanced system where Putin cucks you in every possible way even if to his own detriment and you are intensely sexually satisfied by it.

yes, there's obviously some stuff that correlates with Dugin beliefes but it's surface level
Also Putin will install a puppet state here not take the whole country and if he ever goes further it might be Finland and not slavic countries from Balkans or Poland which Dugin wants Putin to do

it is not the Donbass, it is because NATO and the EU.

Hahahahah brother this so true it is like bad mix all food in blender
They worship emperor and his murderers at the same time hahah

But it is compatible because that is Russia. They are all periods of their history as we are all periods of ours. They are not in denial. They are not the other and they accept that the other is not them. They are not western universalists.

That's not what Duginism is about.
If it was about NATO than Putin would do nothing as Maidan was wasn't about joining NATO.
And in reality it did in fact start because of EU, Putin didn't want to lose his puppet state to the west because of corruption schemes he pulled here.

Yes. Like a compete living organism. No denial. No illusions. No western mental restrictions.

It's not ideological, just different groups of oligarchs fighting over territory and resources.

something like fascism but with oligarchs.

What's your take on Biden's connections to Burisma?

What are you talking about brother? Do you not see how it is heresy to follow lord Christ and also think Stalin good? That is lie brother, communist were antichrist that is truth
You sound like you think not well

Revitalised Eurasian multipolarity vs Western pedophilia.

>So we get a mess of Tzarist imperial tradition, Stalinist nostalgia, Orthodox Christianity, upon which they build their patriotism.

Same shit
>i need buffer states because all slavs must be as poor and miserable as me

Well NATO and EU are Liberal Democracy (feminism, gay rights, immigration, anti-White, globalism, BLM etc.)

Post-Modern Rightwingsm

Done. Kremlin is just lead by vicious corrupt people and this needs to change. A new generation of Russians need to take over, not the Soviet beaureaucrats

Brother do you believe in Christ? Please understand with heart if you are a man how can you put communist in church? In Georgia we say you can not serve two lord's that is truth you know

Installing a puppet state and "returning Ukraine to the russian world" is 100% in line with Dugan's recommendations. He never states that Russia has to absorb all the Russian world, just that is has to lead the Russian world as a civilization pole that is in opposition to the west.

I can only weigh in with what I’ve been told, but ultimately it sounds like an old man’s vanity project to reconstruct empire. If any of you actually believe it’s to fight Jews you’re beyond retarded.

They're really trying to "find themselves". After the 90s they were a lawless dystopia before Putin. After they recovered a bit and decided to imitate EU countries, with attempt at a liberal democracy and EU was their main training partner. That all ended in 2014 with the American coup in Ukraine and they had to cut off relations with EU and orient towards Asia mainly China. I guess they're something in between now, but no concrete ideology. Maybe this war will give them one

Oligarchic communism

jews vs jews.


which has basically been the cause of every war in human history

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Your president is right now an American puppet and and a Jew, an internationalist, a rootless opportunist with no loyalty or belonging to the people he supposedly serves. This fact Is famously gloated about by the current US president. Have you seen the video?


jewish gibsmedat snowniggerism

Our ideology "Can you stop trying to rape us just for 5 minutes, please"
We just wanna live, watch movies, play games, do work we love, connect with people we care about - we wanna be normal

capitalist cronyism with fascist overtones
the latter is used to put some kind of reigns on oligarchs just to retain control in general plus to get them to do dome charity and invest in infrastructure to avoid losing all existing popular support
cronyism is heavily interspersed with deep state agents