How will this war end?

Whats your prediction?

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putin wins the invasion
the ukrainian insurgency starts
putin installs a puppet government
the ukrainian insurgents overthrow the puppet government
putin has to send troops back into ukraine
after 2 years of bleeding men and money, putin retreats back to russia and declares victory

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End it all bros.

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Boring timeline.

Putin loses many troops in Kiev.

The Poland provided airforce engages in antics across the skies of Ukraine.
Russia brings out more advanced weaponry to maintain air superiority.

Ukraine ends up like Halflife2 city17 where people are trying to live their lives long term but there's an occupying power.

media blackens, civil war 2 sets in, goons attack in multiple vectors, campaigns ends, technocracy rises in future, it will be met with swift flight in fight, savage and miserable force. we'll be like godzilla on a water terraformed moon

The world will unite around the cause of drowning that nasty smug faggot Scott Adams in a bucket of pig cum.

Russia pays a heavy price for Kiev but ultimately takes it and Kharkiv
They use them as leverage to cut a deal whereby Ukraine recognises Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk as Russian and swears not to try to join NATO, while Russia leaves most of Ukraine alone
Both sides can claim victory and Ukraine will just join the EU which is basically the same as joining NATO for deterrent purposes but lets Putin claim he achieved something
The Russian economy still fuckin sucks but he is remembered as a Saddam or Gaddafi, not a Hitler

used to think russia grinds it out with horrific losses and becomes mordor

now I think they're gonna get rid of putin and things will return to relatively normal in a few years

what a fucking absurd mix of horror farce and tragedy

>Putin wins, Ukraine gets a puppet government
>Putin loses
>hyperinflation caused by moneyprinting during the pandemic is blamed on the war
>covid gets memoryholed
>globohomo boot stomps 10x as hard as before to "prevent something like the war in ukraine from ever happening again"

Russia lost so it must reduct the US military to even the playing field.
Nuclear war.
Only what will be hit, is the question.

Pretty much. There's no way Russia can pacify Ukraine long term now that nationalism is at an all time high. Chances are Russia maintains control over the Donbass and Crimea though, as well as limited occupation of strategic locations like Odessa.

Or, Putin is ousted before Russia is able to defeat Ukraine in the field. Since we have limited insight into what's happening in Russia at the moment, whether or not this will happen is hard to tell.

If it end badly for globohomo, VAIDS lockdowns
If it goes good for globohomo, VAIDS lockdowns

Russia occupies the country and iron curtains the borders, rebuilds economy for 10 years then absorbing belarus and khazakstan.

Terrorism takes multiple world leaders, civil war ensues in the power vacuum.

Most governments are shown to be paper tigers in a new feudalistic era between multinational mafia/cartel groups.

Corporations will pick a team & it will look like Mexico with PvP areas as well as protected communities & tourist locations for the intermingling of civilians.

When you say puppet government do you mean the legitimately elected government that was then overthrown by the US administration under Obama and his commie inspired color revolutions?

I wish I had more experience analyzing military strategy, but it seems like Russia is committing relatively little resources to this so far.
I guess it makes sense, Ukraine does not stand a chance but the international aftermath in unpredictable.
The way I see it, US/NATO will use all the Ukranian blood they can get away with to hurt Russia. That's when peace talks would normally take place, but they fucked up the last one so bad (seemingly on purpose) that I don't see that happening. Are they hoping for some kind of endless guerrilla for Russia to keep bleeding money?

>war end
with the elite dead or us being slaves

After ukraine has been taken, War continues in eastern europe.
Then cataclysms starting.

The world will group into 3 superpowers Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. All forever at war.

NATO abd EU will eventually send troops and push Russians out of Ukraine. They won't push into Russia, though, since they're afraid of nuclear strikes. Ukraine will suffer a catastrophic number of civilian casualties, and it will end up being a globohomo colony under heavy American occupation.

yes it seems we are currently living in a mixed plot of 1984 and brave new world

Russia will overthrow the kiev goverment. Donetsk and Lugansk will be two new countries. There will be a non burger biased election for a new ukranian goverment. Burgerland won't recognize any of this and will keep on howling "muh sanctions." Typical bootlickers will agree on sanctions.China, India and most of the third world won't. Russia will stop selling oil, gas and wheat to the west. Inflation will skyrocket. CIPS will replace SWIFT for most countries. Burgers will keep on howling and spreading blatant fake news on MSM. At some point, germany and france will say fuck-off to burgers. Completely fucked, burgers will attempt a first strike, only to find out that the trans military forgot to refuel the missiles.

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USA does't have the resources or motivation for that nowadays.

>NATO tries to nuke Russia
>Nuke lands in the wrong country, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Latvia
>Russia speed up the invasion during the confusion
>NATO infighting
>Neutral countries will either side with Russia or ignore the war
>NATO is dismantled
>China invades Taiwan
>US become isolationist and tries to clean house
>Europeen power diminishes
The end of the war will be most stupid event in history.

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>current goverment moves to Lviv
>russians capture about half of ukraine
>stalemate declared
>a puppet goverment to russia is declared with its capital in Kharkiv or Kiev
>ukraine is effectively divided in two
>russia is completely isolated from the western world
from here a lot can happen but my prediction is that Russia will close ties with China serving as a financial proxy to the rest of the world, together they will counterweight the West. Otherwise, internal pressure will increase across elites and the population in Russia and a coup will occur in no more than 10 years.

Unironically the most likely take.

>Russia completely encircles all cities
>forces negotiations in their favor
>jews try to do jew stuff
>Russo-China Global Empire in 20 years or less a-la Man in the High Castle but with less insurgency