How do you memoryhole the largest psyop in history?

You create an even bigger one! Pay attention to everything that is reported on by the kike press for the next 3 months, they will start, fight, and finish a world war with casualties in the mere hundreds. They want to memoryhole Coronavirus because it has become a symbol for whites around the globe to unite under. Mark my words: by the end of this year even mentioning that you had to wear a mask in a grocery store will be deemed misinformation.

Don't think this impossible either, the kikes created 6 million dead bodies out of thin air in the age of radio. They can now manufacture an entire war like it was just another fucking marvel movie.

This will end with a vaccine passport in effect, they will rename it "digital ID" (currently called SMART healthcard system in the United States) and the npcs will just go along with it. By the end of 2023 the "2 year war" will be written into every history book in every western school on the planet and future generations will just accept it as fact, not knowing that the entire thing was a fabrication, a reset button, a step towards creating a utopia for moloch worshipping kikes!

Putin is a kike lover
Putin's daughter married a kike
Putin's grandkids are full-blooded kikes
Biden is a kike lover
Biden's kids married kikes
Biden's grandkids are full-blooded kikes
Trump is a kike lover
Trump's kids married kikes
Trump's grandkids are full-blooded kikes
Kamala Harris married a kike
Kamala Harris's grandkids will be full-blooded kikes
Zelinski is a full-blooded kike

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They are prepping Zelinsky to be the hero the world needed. He will be an action hero, one of the most well known names on the entire planet. They will make movies about how he stopped WW3 and the use of nuclear weapons, tens of thousands of articles will be written about how attractive he is and how everyone wants to fuck him.

It's all so tiresome...

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shills don't like these threads
the longer they stay in the catalog the more they seethe

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where can i learn more bro this board is trash

Bump fuck kikes

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sadly this is still one of the best places to dig for info
its just in times like these you have to dig a little deeper as 150> of the threads will be absolute garbage bot/shill threads
the more they shill the closer the board is on target
they know their shilling has no affect on regular chan users so they simply resort to massive amounts of spam
they can't take down the site because the alternative of the chans spilling over into the rest of the clearnet is clearly the worse option

reminder that the central banking kikes are now trying to convince you that the INFLATION they created is a "SACRIFICE" that is being made for FREEDOM

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This isn't the first time this has happened.
The Gulf War Did Not Take Place

Just convinced another boomer to start stacking silver.

>by the end of this year even mentioning that you had to wear a mask in a grocery store will be deemed misinformation.
I'm going to have to press x on this one, fren.
The mask 'mandate' ended today in my county and all the local news can talk about is how many faggot businesses are going to continue to require one.
These people love it.

alright user since you say that ill dig deeper than ever from now on

Yeah those businesses will flip on a dime like the jews they are

Won't matter much to me, the majority of them are places I wouldn't go into at any time. Either hippie nick-nack stores or organic kombucha co-ops or some such homosexual shit.

or weapons of mass destruction
or 9/11

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all world leaders are at least half-Jewish
this is another fake bullshit CIA glownigger psyop thread where you say 2 true things and 20 outrageous lies because you're just running basic oppostion control

>a person who is literally surrounded by Jews, wealthy, successful, powerful, married to a Jew, has Jewish family, worships Israel, bends over backwards for Jews... THERE'S NO WAY that person might be a Jew himself!
yeah fuck the fuck off, you fucking GLOWNIGGER

Based, user

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thread stayed too long in catalog
shills are now mad

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Literal jew comedian psyop.

To those who see all this jew shit, literally stay sane, do not fall for their blatant bullshit schizophrenic minds. They are weirdest creatures on earth. Truly disgusting in nature. Fuck.

good thread OP
but face it, this place is a propaganda multiplier for them
Any Forumstards in general always take the bait globohomo throws them and subsequently always end up watching the left hand while the right hand strikes them
this thread will get archived with less than 100 replies, because there is a (((happening))) kino right now being played in front of the retard‘s eyes and that’s all they care about

no, their bait doesn't work
it's the exact reason why they choose to spam instead of try to convince
they know that they will be picked apart if they do anything other than spam
their hope is to make the space uninteresting
they always fail

You stay here long enough to obtain sheer animal instinct. Unfortunately the board sucks since the "war" started. Just sift through the shilling until you find threads like these.

>their bait doesn't work
well look at the catalog whenever a new psyop is being started
nice trips though