Israel refuses to sell iron dome to ukraine because it is going to damage russia relations

So far for your pro russia stands fucking kike imagine if you wont sell the iron dome because russia is going to be angry.

First you russian bros claim ukraine is kiked
You call ukraine nazis which makes you kiked.

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Good plan.

They'll sell to both instead.

You mean the tech the kikes stole from the US and called their own? Like all kike tech ever actually. Fuck the kikes.

They will sell you all the Tavor rifles you want.

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Would be a shame if we gave then some stingers to the free palestinian people

>jew is scared of russia

This is bad for Russia... How?

Also Russian missiles will damage iron dome's reputation.

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They won't even sell Iron Dome to the USA even though we paid for it and developed it.

Ay Tone, dome is iron but doors are wooden

Youre such a little faggot do your research they didnt sell the Guns to azov they sold some info about how to make Guns to ukraine and that got in the hands of azov.

technically that's not wrong.

Putin, user? He is Russian man and he is very bad. Trust me, I am Agent Smith. I will even write "nigger" and "you will never be a woman". Now Putin - he looks like a monkey because he is racially impure. Ignore the meme flag and admire this a20.png "monke" image. I have learned that an insult of this nature comports with your board culture and by disseminating it, I can gain credibility among the members of this, your fringe community that I have studied and analyzed for years, secretly beginning to believe what I read while never seeming natural enough to fit in. But back to Putin - I mean, "Jewtin". You guys really don't like Jews, do you? Anyways, Putin is not based - but the Israeli-funded Azov battalion (they're Nazis! You like that don't you user?)Poroshenko, Zelensky and NATO? Now that's what I call based! If you support, or "shill", for Putin, you are a kike, which is not something I've been told you want to be. Now tell me, where do I have to go on the information superhighway to join Jewtin? And Russian Americans, look! I even know a few Russian words so that the most gullible among you will fall for my boss' ingenious strategy.

Glowniggers on suicide watch. I will be shilling all day. You will not win..

This. Boycotts, divestment and sanctions laws are unconstitutional. We need to decouple from such an aggressive, warmongering country.

The refusal is on the grounds of not wanting too many others to know how incapable the system truly is. IDF trannies will seethe, but it's the truth. You didn't hear it from me though

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Its because the jew and the russian are friends but the jew wants to be with the other friend (ukraine) the russian doesnt like it so the jew says sorry and theyre friends again. You get it?

That's because it's a complete joke for internal propaganda. We make the Iron dome; it's a Patriot power pack with CRAM Radar and SM-3 variant with a small motor. Technology transfer from Raytheon missile systems, Rocketdyne, FCX systems. The Jew don't own anything it's internal propaganda. I work for a top three industrial complex participant. They do this alot including with the F35 ADIRs; all they have extra is the firmware for the FCS from lockheed that allows them to change the names of armaments that appear in MF displays. Fun of facts of the day.

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That means it's working

>they didnt give them guns!
>just told them how to make them
Funny toothpaste man.

Shouldnt we have the specs for it?

You understand that azov is not the same as the whole ukrainian army? Also pay respect to me amerifat you call yourself the "red, white and blue" very original.

it cant even stop sand monkey jerry rigged fire sticks lel

Turns out it's really hard to hit the wide range of shit thrown at it. We had a lot of problems back in the early days of the Iraq war with those 120mm Russian mortars. You know the fucking chunks of steel with basically no internals. We switched to tungsten and that had a better success rate. It's not easy. If you threw the same thing at us constantly it would almost be called trivial. It's just random shit with strange trajectories mid flight that cause issues. The CRAM is blind 80% of the time and only really has solid tracks on accent.

>Kikes send their hitman to do the dirty work so whatever happens they can't be blamed for it and still reap benefits

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Absolutely based post

>That means it's working

>Israel’s bombardment of high-rise buildings in the Gaza Strip was a way to vent frustration caused by the failure to stop rocket fire from Gaza, an Israeli pilot revealed on Saturday.

>Israeli Channel 12 interviewed a number of Israeli pilots who participated in bombing nine multi-story residential buildings, including the one that housed foreign media outlets in Gaza.

>"I went on a mission to carry out airstrikes with a feeling that destroying the towers is a way to vent frustration over what is happening to us and over success of the groups in Gaza in kicking us,” one of the pilots said.

>“We failed to stop the rocket fire and to harm the leadership of these groups, so we destroyed the towers,” he added.

Original Hebrew article:

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>funny toothpaste flag mad
Still armed them, so its technically, the best kind. And you originally had orange in your flag, not red. Cope.

More like if they sell it to Ukraine, the jig would be up, and it'll actually be put to the test and be shown to not really work proberly. A million dollar light-show that only succeed 40%~ of the time to shoot down palestinian DIY rockets.

Only faggots like bullpups

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How anyone can even attempt the mental gymnastics of implying Ukraine is less Jewish than Russia is beyond me

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Strongest ally

The USSR funded the 6 years war, after that Israel realized that they need the support of everyone of the big powers because one alone was a threat enough

Checking. Its crazy, how can you justify it, honestly?

Western governments are walking back the tough-talk on Russia; why?

these digits keep showing up more frequently.

That shit is overrated as everything coming from kikes. Russia can btfo it with just few katiushkas

It was prophesied that Russia will lose in 3 days against Israel when they attack israel.

Jews want Europeans to die fighting each other in a prolonged ground war.

Kek loves me

all sides are kiked user, we lost

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Better days

They dont want ukraine or russia to have access to the technology.

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why the fuck would israel iron dome?It's designed to incercept shit rockets at short distance, david sling or barak 8 would fuck russia hard but iron dome would do literally nothing

They we made in Ukraine under license.

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israel will be next to be raped anyways..they been bombing syria constantly

only a moron wont realize that both sides are exactly the same

they did a day before russia started and it got memory holed

pretty funny

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Yea. Btw thanks for the million pounds during the revolutionary war. And buying the ships we stole. And making a good portion of new england.

Giving your technology to a country is even worse than selling them your shit in my book, but maybe that's just me.

Kikes to the left of me, heebs to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with jews.