My shithole became a reception point for Ukrainians fleeing but we got fucking niggers and sandniggers too and now they...

My shithole became a reception point for Ukrainians fleeing but we got fucking niggers and sandniggers too and now they are going around our city and harrassing people (especially kids and women) and even fucking attempting to attack people with knifes. It literally became no-go zone so damn quickly. Now I feel what Western European must stand with way more of these subhumans.
Fuck Putin, fuck Zelensky, fuck Biden and EU retards
It's all so tiresome

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>Poland got slightly shittier

The future is italy, where 2nd gen. niggers/arabs are growing up with no education, no idea of what to do except being niggers France, where 2nd/3rd gen. are amassed on shitty peripheries usa.

Even if I live in Ukrainian infested shithole, even before all of this bullshit, it was relatively safe. Now with shitkins people are scared to go outside. Most of people never saw them in real life before but these subhumans make every stereotype fucking real.

which city?
gather your local nationalists/soccer club fans and restore order
record everything and put on youtube with slightly aggressive/racist sounding title

HAHAHA, you thought you were going to get flat-chested blondies but ended up with swarthy brown and black men.

How does it feel?

No they aren't, half of them have gotten on their planes home the others are still at the border, they're live streaming it on Instagram. Stop larping.

You should cut off welfare and deport these shits entirely, if Europe.

Unfortunately US has worse and most of them if go on university, end being fucking weapons used by kikes, because they buy into marxist garbage easy. Basically to have peace we should nuke anything that isn't Europe or N.America, because these shitholes are hotbed for commies.
At least retard western liberals got clotshots and natural selection works.

>gather your local nationalists/soccer club fans and restore order
Are you forgetting that Zelensky is handing out an AK for every person who asks for it - no papers needed and no questions asked. I wonder how many of those swarthy men have smuggled in their Zelensky-provided gun.

>muh soccer club

This sounds like a good idea. It's too bad the border guards let them in. They are clearly economic refugees. I'm pretty sure the Russians won't be targeting niggers for rape.

My relatives got harassed and friends too, they are freely roaming and using that they can be let into. At least Ukrainian soldiers harass them as they should compared to our cucked pussies.

You never will be civilized.

So start patrolling around with guns and weapons.

Niggers are awful, Jan. I feel for you, pal.

We got about 1k indian students in romania that came from ukraine and they were bitching about food cause we feed them beef kek. All the indians and niggers from ukraine screamed das racist because they were not let to skin lines at the train station (3rd world tier) and were bitching because mothers and kids were let first. Fuck them

your country is literally the #1 source of toilet cleaners for germany

>guns and weapons.
no guns for civilians in Poland

>they bad, what do?
If'n only the Polish people and/or army had guns n' shieeet, and a long history of camps where soap, wooden doors and lampshades figured big in the mythology.
>completely baffled as top what to do next
Me too.
Let us look to history for a final solution!

You don’t even know what a toilet is.

>toilet cleaners
ahh India always about your national sport of shitting

>they were bitching about food cause we feed them beef
You did that on purpose didn't you? As if pork and chicken doesn't exist. Fucking racists.

Yes you can get one.

You deserve it you pidorashka

kolega też z Przemyśla?, jak tak to pozdrawiam.
w ogóle kibole Czuwaja i Lonii tak w ogóle się chwilowo pogodzili i patrolują ulice

Well, at least your experience with them will redpill your country men on race.

>w ogóle kibole Czuwaja i Lonii tak w ogóle się chwilowo pogodzili i patrolują ulice
no i kurwa tak ma byc
jeszcze z innych miast niech przyjada + jacys narodowcy

Can i live in your country

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Pls explain lmao
You need russdady ?

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z Jarosławia i z Rzeszowa ponoć też dotarły posiłki

europe is our collective toilet

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Leafs are retard. Even if you can somewhat get weapons in shithole that Cancukistan is you should know most Poles didn't even saw a gun or held one in hands in their lives. Our premit law is fucked, you can't even get for self-defence. Czech are pornsick degenerates but at least get that citizens should be fucking armed.
Thanks fren! Feeling sorry for you too, because your nigs are almost impossible to remove
You need a Ukrainian passport to get these.
I seen too much of Nigerians being butthurt that they aren't gettin special treatment because they got into 3rd rate university on Ukraine. They scream "rayssiss" because they are butthurt that Ukrainians are rightfully kicking them from train, because they'd harrass these poor women and children that don't have homes anymore. Nigs can go back, but not them.
I hate them so much. You literally do everything for these subhumans but they are so entitled, bitch and whine and still want to kill you. Still thinking about that one bitch which was trying to civilize some nig, was killed by it anyway.

Shoot them.

You underestimate the ignorance of basic romanian. If it were me I would give them beef for shits and giggles just like I fed muslims pork.

Log off Rajesh it's fucking 2 am.
Also send cheap pharma pills

>1k indian students
>we feed them
that was mistake

Your religion is retarded street shitter.

Should I repeat myself and tell the obvious?

these are THOSE fucking brownshit who waited at the EU borders when they were closed and monitored.

now the borders got opened, and have to handle everybody who enters as ukranian refugee. No one can question their identity, and have to support mindlessly. Because if you don't do that ... you are heartless putin supporter who denies the entry of the poor ukranians.

Cuz euros are fucking retards
Tell the men to fight for their country or fuck off! It's Ukraine law! Only women

Pozdrawiam również!
Chwała im za to, wspólny wróg jakimś trafem połączył ich i wykonują obowiązek obywatelski ochrony naszego społeczeństwa bo psy gówno co zrobią

Most of normies always were redpilled on them, except libshits and leftoids.