Captured RU soldier: “Mom, they (RU commanders) leave the dead on the field...

Captured RU soldier: “Mom, they (RU commanders) leave the dead on the field. And they finished off all the wounded in my unit. All got killed…”.
Whereas their wounded get operated and find shelter in UA hospitals. #StandWithUkraine #RussiaGoHome

Even Russian troops don't want to be part of this bullshit war.

Attached: 1.png (580x571, 270.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>totally not propaganda

Going to be hilarious when Ukraine wins

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This war made me realise that there is no white people in Russia

reminder that the russian state will pay your family 100 buckaroos for throwing away your life

Attached: ivanisworth100buckaroos.png (1178x1490, 1.66M)

Ukrainian dressed up in stolen Russian uniform. Death to Ukraine.

ha, yah,
>"Russia is killing their wounded"
so believable

holy shit, CNN will blast this out to the world, and by tomorrow it will be normie gospel

Did he say the hashtag too?

more like $89 today lol, it's better for you family if they die today than tomorrow i'd bet

Attached: Spooky Mulder.jpg (720x540, 78.58K)

What is propaganda?

Based, imagine being left without balls or torso I would also ask to be killed

Wow, this is very real just like the Ghost of Kiev and the Snake Island 13

Attached: breaking.png (1280x720, 755.13K)

Looks about as real as my last gold-plated shit

>with each passing second it is worth even less

kino deal

Brit government pays me more than that for being a NEET

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurely not Ukrainian propaganda suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurely a captured soldier fearing for his life wouldn’t do what his captors tell him suuuuuuuuuuuuuurely

>It's all fake
>The invasion is going very well

Attached: bagdad-bob.jpg (600x450, 36.75K)

I completely belive this because he said it while captured like how the American POWs always were telling the truth of the conditions they experienced

Now this is next level retard propaganda lol

That "RU soldier" is 100% a paid actor

Lmao poor desperate ukros

>Sorry for the kid, here's hundred bucks


He totally didn't have to say that. Which is why it was filmed.

what's this phenotype

wtf i love russia now


But Russia only suffered 1 death from this conflict so far. Why make a public statement? :)

And yes user the invasion is going bad for the Russians no cities have been encircled and the western leaders are suggesting they fund a Taliban tells me who very much is winning

>gringoylem shills for nwo

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user both sides are fucking lying up their ass

Which leader has said that?

>They finish off the wounded
Do the commissars shoot themselves after?

Russia just needs to wait outside Kiev, they are killing 'saboteurs' every day