Uhhhh Vaxtards? Not feeling so good…!


Go to page 30:

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damn it basically does every bad thing possible

Post screenshots pls fren

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and now you know why globohomo had ukraine and russia start to fight.

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Bump. It’s ten pages of listing negative side effects and holy shit it’s a lot of them.

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Yup. Prepare your anus for a lot of this coming: twitter.com/resist_05/status/1498062573672960003?s=21

>no vax, still have my job because I lied about being vaxxed, and no potential for health issues in the near future

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That's just the list of adverse effects that they track, it doesn't imply that anyone got any of those

Just 4 or more pages of honestly all possible diseases and side effects. However in this case it is just retards unable to read stuff and I don't blame them cause it is definitely not layman friendly.

However page 16 says:
>The AESI terms are incorporated into a TME list and include events of interest due to their
association with severe COVID-19 and events of interest for vaccines in general.

So it is a nothingburger. I can't believe anyone thinks they would release self incriminating stuff like this.

>Myocarditis post infection
I knew it all along, 90% of the myocarditis post infection is due to the jab

>every disease known to man

TLDR it can cause everything under the sun to go wrong that can go wrong.

>8 pages of insane adverse reactions
Is there any disease you're not more susceptible to catching from this shit?

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It literally takes you less than 30 seconds to open the link then jump to page 30

It really is working

Oh fuck off retards. Every medication contains pages of possible side effects. As I suspected, this is absolutely nothing


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Where is this information from? Is it confirmed?


Attached: VAERS Nov 2021.png (1892x952, 64.89K)

It's 6 pages, you have to see it to believe it

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-01 123845.png (1053x927, 415.76K)

>Oh fuck off retards. Every medication contains pages of possible side effects. As I suspected, this is absolutely nothing

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Wait until all the declassification starts on the documents. 5.5k pages a day. Breadtube lied to you.


Feeling a little nervous about that foggy memory?

>Developing genital herpes from a medication to save you from a disease less lethal than the flu is a good idea
Are there any posters dumber than the average Canadian?

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I love this thread. It shows how none of you retards have any reading comprehension.

remember the redditards complaining about ED after getting the experimental injection?

>Penile thrombosis - that means its working

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>38 pages

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-Hantavirus pulmonary infection
-Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase
inhibitor deficiency

Yeah sure, they are doing a great job with this kind of report.

No refunds

You sound nervous

ngl I would just become a tranny if that happened

Source: random Wordpress blog

LMAO, can you try a little harder next time bud? I mean I know you’re being paid in rubles (a collapsing currency) to spread Russian disinformation online, but this is just pathetic.

I’ll believe this type of nonsensical garbage as soon as it’s published in a renowned and well respected medical journal as a double blind peer reviewed study. Until then: FAKE NEWS

Just search that document for the words ‘hemorrhage’ and ‘death’. That’s enough of a reason to never get it

Needs the comparison with previous years for maximum effect.

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imagine glossing over the 2.9% sampled death rate from the first 2.5 months of jabs (nov 2020-feb 2021)

Attached: heckin29.png (802x850, 137.31K)

>reddit spacing
>globohomo shilling
kill yourself glownigger

You have literal aids in your system right now KEK no refunds faggot

>Blatant cope
2 more weeks pal

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I will personally collect three dozen edomite scalps before all this is over.

>Review of the available data for this cumulative PM experience, confirms a favorable benefit: risk balance for BNT162b2.
>followed by 9 pages of side effects

Those are the things they're watching for, not what they're actually finding. You need to look at the tables in the bulk of the report to see the actual results. The findings show that it really does cause myocarditis, facial paralysis, and most of the other things "schizos" said it did in at least some people, although it's hard to say just how many because the total sample size is either not given or I missed it on my quick skim.

I read through all of it and it's a complete nothingburger. just boring legal mumbo jumbo. we need to focus on saving ukraine.

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this is either a very good LARP or a legitimately retarded NPC typing this

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If only some people could have seen this coming. I wonder if they'll ever admit they killed Tiffany.

Attached: they killed Tiffany.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

Is that 2.9% death rate from just the vaccine?
as opposed to

>inoculated to 4 billion people
>self reported side effects
>literally any possible disease
>literally any possibile disease that people have regardless of vaccines

Now this is cringe. You are pure feedback loop fried algorithmically fucked and cucked braindead slave. You disgust me. Not to mention you’re everything wrong with current science that’s been stagnating it in our century. KYS it’s too late for your twitchy neurons

>as soon as it’s published in a renowned and well respected medical journal as a double blind peer reviewed study
Hahahaha that's what you idiots said about the myocarditis as well. Then the CDC updated it without notifying anyone and you started coping about "it's only a small percentage". Enjoy those chest cramps, they are NOT natural.

This is old and has been posted on /pol many times, no? Still good infos tho

What the fuck

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>death rate is 10x higher than from covid
Is that what this is saying?

So its the American military in a vaccine format?

Posting a fat basedjak does not make you less retarded.

shalom my friend! may I borrow a shekel form you ? it will be a wonderful mitzva for you!

Cope memeflaggot

yes, it has been known for several months now. twitterfags are slow.

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anything about aids?

Notice how there are a lot more female than male cases. I wonder why this is

You retards still don't understand it.

fuck hepatitis! Pol is never wrong.

Nigger if you ate a Tums and it gave you a heart attack, would you take a second one because "pEoPlE hAvE hEaRt AtTaCkS fOr oThEr rEaSoNs?"

Bingo bingo this person has a brain!

>Gender: No data

>Go to page 30:
oh wow
and the best part is it doesn't even prevent covid

Actually I kinda have an idea why the did it this way.
>list of 10 pages of side effects
>people jump onto it like this thread unaware that text states those side effects are tracked because they are related to other vaccines
>then media correct it and say antivaxxers are retarded niggers who can't read properly
>publish another report this time with actual data
>antivaxxers cry wolf
>nobody cares

i picture some fatass reading this like they've discovered fire bahaha
low iq losers
you get more adverse effects from eating your processed foods and white sugars, and no i wont get the vax faggot

This. You can find very similar reports in every other medical summaries

>Anonymous (ID: 1hXsGjUC) 03/01/22(Tue)20:26:44 No.3644

Attached: 1.png (964x897, 303.72K)

>Then you ask vaxxed people.
>They're fine.
>Ask unvaxxed people.
>They're dead.


Herpes dermatitis;Herpes gestationis;Herpes oesophagitis;Herpes
ophthalmic;Herpes pharyngitis;Herpes sepsis;Herpes simplex;Herpes simplex
cervicitis;Herpes simplex colitis;Herpes simplex encephalitis;Herpes simplex gastritis;Herpes
simplex hepatitis;Herpes simplex meningitis;Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis;Herpes
simplex meningomyelitis;Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy;Herpes simplex
oesophagitis;Herpes simplex otitis externa;Herpes simplex pharyngitis;Herpes simplex
pneumonia;Herpes simplex reactivation;Herpes simplex sepsis;Herpes simplex
viraemia;Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis neonatal;Herpes simplex visceral;Herpes virus