They will possibly use nuclear fallout psyop to mask the sickness of the jabbed (take 2!)

This is the most logical fear strategy to use. Also nuke psyop can be reinforced.
Where will the detonations happen? I think the most logical place would be in the sky. Some side will "accidentally" launch nuclear warheads towards other side and then the defense missiles will be automatically launched and the nukes will be detonated in the sky. At least that would be the psyop scenario. The sky psyop would leave no physical traces nor evidences afterwards(perfect! just like the lolocaust), so everything will be faith based(digital screens will practically create that reality for you). Thus, the sickness of the jabbed will be blamed on RADIATION.
Pic possibly unrelated.

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Its funny how NPCs instantly forgot about covid when the war started.

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Legit theory, could definitely happen

truly incredible. one of the biggest pivots in history. i guess they couldn't kill their own citizens for not getting a silly jab and they diverted all of their blood lust and anger towards a bunch of random people on another continent to be blown away and shot

Just like the good old times of 2001 and 2003.

jesus christ it's real

what a fucking trash website snopes is, all browsers should block it with a fucking warning just like scam websites

it feels to me like they are slowly psy oping people
into a regiment or barrack lifestyle

it doesn't feel like I life in a civilan society

>To cope with the covid narrative collapsing, the kikes will now nuke their own countries
Jews are so fucking goddamn stupid

Just don't hang out with maskcuck vaxxtards and this automatically stops being an issue.

This makes sense. They can blow the nukes in the ocean and blame the radiation. Genius. They will say that the ocean and the air are carrying radiation, so mask up sheeple.

The unjabbed are body-snatched aliens and radiation doesn't affect them? I don't know man, there are so many psyops to employ.

false I was under curfew
the whole covid shit gave the state
the option to shut down freedom of assembly
whenever they want and restrict all basic freedom of movement like during wartime

Oh and that's why we have to chip everyone to catch body-snatching aliens.
Symptoms of body-snatched alien: critical thinking etc etc.
You know the drill.

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I don't think so, because it would be easy to piece it together after it happens.

I don't know anyone else that isn't vaccinated lol

Really? Those 2 years didn't teach you about human condition?

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>radiation causes infertility
Explain all the fucked up kids born around Chernobyl.
Your fault, I paid attention to the people around me who cucked out and took the science juice. I easily know 50+ normal, sane people who didn't submit.

How is it my fault that everyone else is retarded and under mass hypnosis?

Should have talked to your family more, I dissuaded everyone from taking it, just told them to wait it out, I was right and they're thankful.
You have no control over your friends, but if you had a good relationship with them before they spread their asscheeks for the vaxx, means either you're a retard who hangs out with other retards, or you're bad at choosing friends. Basically you're a faggot retard in any case, be glad you didn't bow down to the global hysteria.

Dude, you have no idea how hypnosis works. The people who are sick of the jabs are still blaming it on something else. You are just lucky.

>Jews are so fucking stupid
So why are they winning?
Why do they control the majority of your government and media?

i also remember the founders of snopes being two furries to but a cherry on top

I'll let you in on a weird thing: a lot of people I know who refused to take it are foreigners, especially black.
Make of that what you will, but I think we're fucked and getting replaced one way or another.

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