Damn we are so fucked

Damn we are so fucked

Attached: 8D7EC326-7739-4B5F-9852-DB8EDD8065D4.jpg (1284x1951, 791.85K)

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Is that a man wearing a wig?

She’s unironically brain damaged from all the sex it took her to get here.




lol remember when they were all demanding war in syria over gas attacks

They know their voter base well. The Democratic voter base has always been the poor, the tradesmen, the retards, the women, the average joes unexceptional in every form and fashion.

is this what they mean when they say "explain like i'm american" ?

She’s just dumbing it down for burgers

or maybe (s)he's a mutant breed with room temperature IQ but since (s)he's so fucking dumb and repulsive the left identified with it ?

If you really want to be discouraged, read up on the path she took to power. She's THE diversity hire who fucked her way to the top. She has no credentials at all.

rote regurgitation by vice president

Everyone in America is a man wearing a wig

>The Morning Hustle
to be fair, she was asked to breakdown the situation to a nigger audience

How else are the retarded flouride consuming amerishats going to understand?

This woman should not be allowed near anything resembling a microphone

That is It these deranged libs soon will be demanding for a nuclear War and they will call anyone against, a nazi supporter


Attached: 1631977016116.gif (536x640, 3.35M)


>resembling a microphone
>6 inch cylinder with spherical tip
user, it's much too late for that. do you know how many "microphones" she's been near?

If Kamala were a man he wouldn’t be this stupid. This is a woman’s answer.

She's speaking to niggers.

My fucking sides

Attached: myfuckingsides.gif (355x200, 1.52M)

How much glue do you need to huff to call this information?

She's speaking like a toddler to toddlers.

I can’t tell if she’s more demented than the potato.

She really likes money

Remember when Dan Quayle was viciously mocked for being not the sharpest tool in the shed?
I 'member

This bitch needs satirizing the hell out of. How this cretin got to be VP must've involved a shitload of blowjobs for every sitting Democrat.

Holy fuck, please let her become president for the memes

does she think we're retarded?