Wtf are they thinking?

Attached: IMG_20220301_193047.jpg (1080x715, 159.66K)

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Checked. They're trying to get glassed

what is even happening lmao

The violence has escalated.

And after that, they'll take Moscow, creating Bigger Ukraine.


LMAO, the kikes are getting desperate.

Attached: stanground__south_park__by_arturoartwork_dcfbwoi-fullview.jpg (1024x1326, 120.97K)

There is no Belarus or Ukraine. It's all Russian

The end is nigh

Poland is literally BEGGING to be fucked over by Russia. They are right next to Russian territory and using the ports to import weapons to be used against Russiaapgym

Attached: Screenshot_20220301-073651_Samsung Internet.jpg (996x695, 222.94K)

Shocking! Jew-controlled country that has been slaughtering Russians in Donbass for 8 years is the aggressor! Who knew?

requesting the hail honkler jpeg

They are going to take Rostov and Voronezh to restore the honour of Liz Truss.

Based! More slaughter! Wwiii now. Fuck globohomo. Destroy the planet. Make the billionaires eat ze bugs

Belarus will invade Lithuania, it will activate article 5 but isolated to Belarus. Russia will use occupied Lithuania to cross and supply to Kaliningrad and stage their offense on Poland.

oh no no no, maybe russian and chinese maps are lying about real situation, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Doing the right thing

They have missiles?

It's over. Moscow will be taken by the weekend.

Attached: 1646071700270.jpg (593x320, 44.77K)

That means they cannot do that because they don't have the capability. You can tell ....because they haven't done it already.

Oh no Belarus Bros

phizer documents drop today and in a week or so people will realize what side is a tiny bit better than the other.

They're getting glassed.

what is the strategy for suicide rushing at russia?

Attached: 2F7CA30A-0D0F-4AC3-AC93-C84AE80C2A46.jpg (992x864, 433K)

"Ukraine" in this scenario are undercover polish commandos
Expect more attacks on Russia's flank in their puppet state

>from my understanding of the military situation
Obviously very limited understanding

So far 3 european countries are in a war. If anymore countries large countries join it will be considered a world war it's actually happening /pol

>just bail us out Globohomo bros
That’s the kike President strategy, he’s a puppet

Sacrificing East Ukraine to Blitzkrieg Belarus would actually be a smart move and force Russia to defend their ally. Belarus is a lot weaker than Ukraine and would be overrun very quickly without any help from Russia. Ukraine could also engage in total war on Belarus since their objective isn't to capture it intact like Russia is doing to Ukraine.

If you know anything about the real world and armed conflict (which you dont) you should know that you can't let your enemy keep attacking you while on defensive. Next.

Belarus made themselves a target when they allowed Russia to attack form their country that being said I doubt Ukraine is in any shape to go on the offensive

Isn’t Belarus in South America?

Lithuania is NATO. think before you type on here! Makes you look like...hmm?

Le cum

Everyones losing it

I know retardo. Read better. I literally say they will activate article 5 you absolute mongrel.

This is going to get out of control.