War? what war?

War? what war?

Attached: imagem_2022-03-01_153543.png (601x523, 163.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Elden Ring, O Elden Ring

Based. Good jub Brazil. Now I know where all my huehue minecraft frens went.

based and macacopilled
unlike the globohomo, we don't need to take a side and will simply continue living our lives

Incredibly based. Vagabond chads where we AT?

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For me its confessor

luckily that retarded movie title law doesn't apply to games I believe so we don't have to call it "Elden Ring: O Anel Antigo"

Body types a and b. Muh based vidya

>Not starting as wretch

Attached: file.png (835x1024, 302.96K)

Based Brazil bros. Tay says hello

Attached: Screenshot_20220301-134519_Read Chan.jpg (1440x1047, 250.71K)

Aww yeah, level 35 Prophet here with a treespear. Feels good.

Who Googles current news? Just go to your preferred news site.


'Elden Ring, O Elden Ring' is a quote from the launch trailer and a common note left by players in the game.


they're actually googling ukraine to find it on a map but brazilian education is superior so we already knew

Based macacos.

Attached: 1463944511751.jpg (800x533, 225.1K)

Prisoner checking in.

I kneel

Brazil can buy ps4 and elden ring?

Why do indian sirs care this much?

No, I was quoting a message that you can lay on the floor.

One of the options they have now is "......, O......"

Shame they removed the word chest (it's "treasure chest" now) and man and woman. But added "pickle" lol

impossible we still trying to buy the SNES from pokemon people
arigato insect

Based monkeys.

lol I read too much into it cause he was portuguese

i thought they were still on the sega master system