You Do NOT Need To Take A Side

Any Forums is a battleground for public opinion, and anyone who says Any Forums is an irrelevant back corner of the internet hasn't been paying attention to the age-old meme turned reality of Any Forums being shit, reddit being the toilet bowl, and social media the sewer system. Any Forums theories, thoughts, or actions are always 6 months ahead of the mainstream.

With that in mind and the happenings, in these times, it is necessary to look at the basic points.
>Does X benefit white Europeans and whites of European descent?
>Is [leader] acting in the best interest, or as close to best interests as possible of white Europeans and whites of European descent?
When you look at this war in Ukraine for example, does this war benefit white Europeans and whites of European descent? Is Putin acting in the best interest of white Europeans and whites of European descent?
On the flipside, is Globohomo, in their support of Ukraine, acting in the best interest of white Europeans and whites of European descent? Are weapons shipments and turning civilians into guerillas in the best interest of white Europeans and whites of European descent?

Sometimes, there is a used douche and a shit sandwich, and those are the only 2 choices presented to you. Perhaps in your mind, the douche stinks less, or the shit sandwich is at least wrapped in bread to prevent shit getting everywhere. However, preferring one or the other is not a sign you should choose one or another, if both are equally bad for white Europeans and whites of European descent.

Jews always try to force a false dichotomy. They want you to choose one of two choices they both control. Ultimately National Socialism and Any Forums has always been about a third option. You do not need to be pro one side or the other. You can always choose the third option - what is best for white Europeans and whites of European descent?

Attached: Rise Above Binary Choice.jpg (1080x1331, 115.27K)

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Good post.

Agreed. I was a little surprised by the amount of shilling for people to choose
a side here when both sides are very obviously Jewish.

there is alot of words to be said about OP
sometimes less is more

based (but your still a faggot)


If you chose a side, you are not True/pol/. Be Third Position.

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Bump. Shills will soon be here to attack this basic wisdom. Gas the kikes, race war now.

Pretty much this. Putin’s actions are wiping out the wealth of a new generation of Russians and ensuring only his oligarchs and his government remain wealthy.
Meanwhile, the West is happy to see whites die again.
There are no good guys here. There is no right side.


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I constantly make flip flop posts supporting both Russia and Ukraine to confuse my assigned FBI agent

I'm anti-war, both sides are retarded but basically Ukraine should serve as a neutral territory liek Switzerland, instead they tried to become Russia's enemy by joining NATO

Great points indeed. I can almost guarantee this thread will be slid into oblivion for obvious raisins.

I was a little shocked at how inept glowies were in trying to push the pro-Ukraine narrative on Any Forums, but this new wave of pushing anons to remain neutral (allowing globohomo to expand and neutralize one of their only foreign threats) seems to be under much better management.
Nice job.

vote between a douche and a turd

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Fuck off.

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>but this new wave of pushing anons to remain neutral
this wave is actually tru/pol/ you inconsolable faggot

Does anyone know anything about putin poisoning his opposition? I remember it happening I just dont remember if it was true or not

Not a single one of those faggots on the left presents even a semblance of a threat to the average Any Forums user. Even if they actively hated you (which some do tbf) they do not have any power to act on that hatred.
Every single one of the groups on the right is actively trying to undermine you and exclude you from society. Furthermore, they currently have control of our society and are building the power to remove Whites and White nationalists.
Yes, supporting Russia is not ideal. Of course, I don't want Russia to take over the world either. But anyone with half a brain could see that supporting Russia is the pragmatic move.

There is no "true Any Forums", you fucking newfaggot. This board is just a bunch of autists arguing with each other, not a hivemind or astroturfed group like Reddit.

I don't know why I'm humoring you, but I can assure you I am not a fedboi, a troon, a nigger, a russkie shill, or whatever other term you'd call me. I'll even spell out God to prove I'm not a kike.
Remember, anons. Fedbois can't say nigger, Mossad can't say God.

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Irl I'm just saying "I don't care" and usually deflect back to UK problems. Like how my power bills are skyrocketing, or how corrupt the PM is

If you aren't a glowie, then you're just a retard.