Should Ukraine aim for a more inclusive negotiation team? Seems important if they wish to integrate more with the west

Should Ukraine aim for a more inclusive negotiation team? Seems important if they wish to integrate more with the west.

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Did she just assume their genders?

suck a dick ukrop

Turn off VPN, pigdog.

>where are the Women?
cooking and cleaning

Uhhh, where are all of the coloureds and disabled people?

Suck my dick you fat ugly spic

Didn't literally all the women leave?


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yes, so did the kikes

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>mfw the azov will fight alongside the #BLM #TRANSRIGHTS batallion

>where are the women
those bitches fled the country
why aren't those men carrying guns and marching towards the russians?
>because theyre jews

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Getting women out of politics is in their best interests at this point

oh goodie! another shitty one post this ID twitshit screencap by some cowardly dipshit

options field

I'm convinced that the only Russian bots are the ones pushing woke faggotry because that's more damaging to their enemies. It was my first thought after seeing reports of Ukrainians being mean to pajeets and niggers

>suck a dick ukrop
Eat shit animal

>where are the Women?
in their place

i need to see some retarded trans muslim japanese/african negotiate at the table as well before i feel completely at ease with my unfulfilled need for useless dialogue presence in the geopolitical space

yes, i think women should escape the war and men should be left behind to fight.
i for one, welcome the refugees.

Women only like being politicians during non-war times.

and there are 4 of them here, unlike the 500 globohomo shills that get payed to live here

They told me ukrainian refugees where blue eyed blond people.

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ive been listening to OSIC twitter space to get up to date info. everytime a woman or black person gets a speaking term its about muha black lives matter or if its a woman its a emotional bant on how Putin is LITERALLY HITLER