How fucked is binland?

How fucked is binland?

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Russia will invade us. I have seen it in a prophetic dream.

finland is part of the eu, we have treaties to protect them in case of need

What are going to protect them with? More sanctions for Russia?

The Finnish soldier on meth is an unstoppable killing machine immune to pain, sleep, or fear.
The Finnish soldier without meth is some bored faggot who wishes he was dead or playing Dungeons and Dragons every waking moment of his life and would lick hand sanitizer off the floor for a momentary escape.

This is done on our advice to force Putin’s hand to invade. Pawn takes Knight

I guess we will find out if Putin was serious about Finland joining NATO

Nothing will happen regardless of our NATO status

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These retards are going to virtue signal us into a nuclear war.

>Shall we have missiles pointed at us?

This is the debate.

>elf ears
patrician taste

>The Treaty of Lisbon strengthens the solidarity between EU countries in dealing with external threats by introducing a mutual defence clause (Article 42(7) of the Treaty on European Union). This clause provides that if an EU country is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other EU countries have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

How did it end?

Russia is doomed

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>How fucked is binland

All I know is that their women are fucked

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>Russia will invade us. I have seen it in a prophetic dream.
Do you happen to have shared dream conscience with everyone who borders Russia?

Take Karelia back

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Invade AND Pentwater, you glossed over the penetration part

Keep fucking believing that. You're a prime target for Russia, Ukraine thought they were safe too. EU also does not have an army yet, so if you're invaded even if they are supposed to respond they won't other than military aid.

The EU defense pacts are very weakly worded, only promise vague support and nothing more.


breddy fugged :DDDD

Can confirm

Finland will be nuked to send a warning to NATO. It's pretty much an irrelevant country with no historical significance for Russia, and there is low risk of a retaliatory strike to Russia

good luck Pekka

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So they end of the world?