Why did he gambled away his country's economy and military with such a half-hearted and unplanned invasion?

Why did he gambled away his country's economy and military with such a half-hearted and unplanned invasion?

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My guy I don’t know what propaganda you’re watching but it’s all going according to plan. They surrounded Kiyev not to occupy it but as a distraction as they cut off the eastern side of Ukraine.

Btw this economic hit will hurt Europe more because they 100% rely on Russian gas.

Maybe sometimes you have to take a stand user.

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If anything they will get rid of all the shitty generals directing this and reform. This is ww3 and it's just getting started. Remember what Germany resorted too when the sanctions after ww1 became too much. It will be the same for Russia. Weimar republic and germany's economy was in ruins... just a few short years later you invade poland.

Cause he's a retard.

>trust the plan
>2 more weeks
you sound like one of this Qtards

Because he got nukes. Were not for those, they would've already lost the war.

>half-hearted and unplanned invasion

also, who is calling it an "invasion"? Putin has stated it is not his intent to TAKE over all of Ukraine, now maybe he is lying but based on what we are seeing, Putin is using a rather limited and targeted approach to forcing Ukraine to the negotiate. The breakaway regions need to be stabilized - this will achieve that...but Globohomo would love for this to become a wider war.

Attached: Top stories - Bing News - www.bing.com.png (652x331, 192.9K)

>Putin has stated it is not his intent to TAKE over all of Ukraine
right now he didnt took over ANY part of ukraine, not even small ass villages. And he blasted away thousands of soldiers and equipment.

true, someone has to fight for the interests of oil oligarchs
germany wasnt blocked from western economy
germany had an educated population
germany had an actual functioning industry
what other generals mate? he already surrounded himself with yes sayers

in the lead up to the invasion if you were following department of state briefings most of the escalation back and forth was spelled out. things really started to get heated when antitank missiles started to funnel in to Ukraine. i believe this was taken as a sign that NATO was for sure about to sign Ukraine. note how fast the EU application path opened up--this signifies to me that diplomatic coordination of all the details had already occurred between political powers. i vaguely recall at one point Putin laughed in reply to a press question and the translator said something like 'but you are making me invade'. what is lost in transcript is the emotion, which was irritation/resignation and not happy. maybe around the time of macron meeting. sorry, just from memory.

>targeted approach by mass invading and bombing without end on civilian targets
>implying putin isnt part of globohomo
user... stop swallowing putin cum

nigger seethe

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Yes, he is targeting military, not placing troops in towns/cities to take over.

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these are areas through which the Russians have passed and still fighting, but which they hardly control

>putin cum
ok you george soros cock holster

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>posts russian propaganda

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The only ones targeted are Russian tanks with Stinger missiles and drones.

>lets post soros to distract from the fact that putin is globohomo
youre a bad kreml-bot, user

GAE Globohomo is against Putin ...and if you don't believe that than Putin must be working for GAE Globohomo?

Those are your two choices, you will like that and be happy. The GAE Globohomo is the air we breathe, so I guess everyone is GAE Globohomo now even if you publicly stand against them – you must be working for them, right? I guess the only real way of fighting GAE Globohomo is by staying at home and consuming newsfeeds because any actual resistance or deviation from Globohomo is defacto Globohomo. Quite the mind-fuckery trap, really. I can understand how it works. We know Globohomo requires chaos and discord, so war is definitely an opportunity for them. Convenient, when the prey is paralyzed, afraid to act.

Attached: putin is a globailist - Search - www.bing.com.png (666x1143, 273.97K)

Maybe this was all to enrich himself he did lower value of crypto and now look at it. He could of bought for a 25% discount