Why are women so repulsed by right wingers?

Why are women so repulsed by right wingers?

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They arent
She would fuck him for the same twitter likes

did a woman share an opinion? what do you think she meant? it has to be something to do with being scared of white cock doesnt it?


Women bend with the wind because they lack moral and physical courage (they're basically children). Therefore, whatever the current Zeitgist is, they support. You shouldn't care what they think.

Dear Erielle,
You're a womyn. That means most things are beyond you.

Cowardice is a repulsive trait

>be spic
>be manlet
>gravitate towards incel-rightwing ideaology

shocker, but better than a leftwing simp. in either case he will never breed.

> not realizing that women virtue flex during the day for social-media clout and then bang right-leaning Tinder Chad at night

>google search
>look at twitter profile
what are these strange runes?

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and there it is

Attached: 2398732894723.png (1542x496, 56.89K)

I'm still shocked that a fucking spic like Fuentes can love Hitler.


we all are repulsed by right wingers. you preach against abortion and then don't give a flying fuck about the kid after it's born.

our healthcare is a cash grab in our corrupt country. but republicans keep spitting the same bullshit about loosing primary care physicians and shit. people loose their homes because they got sick. you support the entire being one big cash grab. people like you are fucking disgusting. fuck you

maybe people would be more interested in helping you if you weren't a stupid cocksucker who is only good at sharing his misery

>Be a twitter thot
>Not support a gay mexican

Right wingers are inherently losers. They have been losing for over a century, and limit themselves to whine, complain and blame others. Women don't find weakness attractive.
Keep fapping incel retards

>you preach against abortion and then don't give a flying fuck about the kid after it's born.
Toots, we're not gonna take care of your kid for you just because we don't think you should murder it. Ever hear of personal responsibility?

>muh holocoaster
>muh immigration
>muh innercity violence
>muh shark capitalism
>muh literally hitler
wew pal

Because women are stupid creatures controlled by emotion.

because a right winger is the anti thesis of the professional victim .

Right wingers are fucking repulsive.

Claremont institute? Interesting.

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t. canadian homosexual pajeet

>a fucking leaf