Germany is importing niggers again, folks

Germany is importing niggers again, folks.

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Obviously. That's why I stand against globohomo NATO and hope Putin btfos them

Based Germany

not again...

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Why do you think our Jew leaders and Ukraine's Jew president don't surrender? It's all pretext

Just how hard did the fall of the third reich was to make you germans this way?

It's only the beginning, more future doctors and rocket scientists are coming.


Fuck Germany

I hope this shithole burns and is annexed by poland or Russia

based from Ukraine to Germany via Poland

Yes more money for jewish landlords

kek imagine being liberated by Poland

enjoy, Hans!

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I know. The Great Reset will proceed as planned: the economy will crash, we will own nothing, eat ze bugs and live in pods.

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So Germany is going to end up like Britain?

we don't have many niggers outside of london, it's pakis we're full of, ignorant mutt

let me guess "Brave Ukrainans Doctors/Nurse fleeing war"

Why do all black people want to be babysat by whites? It's pretty pathetic how this went from welfare in America to a global phenomena were all blacks just want to be taken care of by "smart people"

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Germany's medial IQ summed up in one picture

thank tengri they didn't get deported to türkey.

Germany is kinda lucky. most them things in pic speak English and ofc will be wanting to enter uk