Was here last night but had to leave

I’m gonna say it again. If you support Putin one of our biggest enemies and a communist you’re a fucking traitor.
t. US Marine

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no one here supports putin you dummy

Pick one


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NATO Delenda Est

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Putin is crazy but still US is the biggest evil in this world. And being a marine is ultimate zogbotry

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Lmao faggot loser
How does it feel being the personification of a circumcision?

Russians with and without vpn do + maybe some basement dwellers

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Ukraine is communist. Putin is partially justifying this attack as decommunization pushed by the west

If you
if you
if you

This makes you look like a raging homo. No wonder you shills are getting desperate. lol.


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Good goy, now go parade on high heels.

good dog, sit stay, dont kill. theres a reason civilians are in charge of everything in free countries.

Imagine being on the side of globohomo and thinking you're fighting communism.

I love how libertarians and republican normies are such cucks and they don't even know it.

Traitors get the bullet and will be tracked down, especially in europe. VPNs wont save you

w/e, mercenary

Ok but why would I care what you think about this?

Being a traitor towards this niggerspic shit zone is a badge of honor.

so brave

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The west funding a revolution to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine violated the NAP and is an act of war against Russia.

Shill terms.

shut up faggot

Fuck off kike, go kneel for some nigger

either swear or don't
this is faggotry