Putin is really a genius

Putin is really a genius

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Mr. Putin has made a serious miscalculation.
He forgot he's no longer dealing with Trump.

His biggest miscalculation was forgetting he's dealing with biden now, and not trump


The (((west))) is now a word code for ZOG
Indeed, in less than a week, thank to Russia and Putin, everything is crystal clear now

>Any Forums interviews brainlet wojak with twitter hat

Meanwhile nobody has actually done anything to stop him

Mr. Putin has made a serious miscalculation.
He forgot he's no longer dealing with Trump.

He forgot he's dealing with a real leader in Biden, this was a miscalculation

I don't believe anyone fully understands what's going on our what's going on inside various leader's heads, anyone who claims to is probably a liar or doesn't comprehend how limited their knowledge and understanding is.

Putin is probably one of the smartest and easily most dangerous leaders on the planet.

I'm not entirely sure why people think painting him as a clown serves any purpose other than to make themselves look fucking retarded.

We're in this fucking mess because the west didn't take his threats seriously and now they're too cowardly to lift a finger against him.

But it's working. Germany is arming itself, something that goes against NATO's motto. Some NATO countries are not helping Ukraine, etc.

He's right, this was a massive fuck up. He bought into his own propaganda and thought it would be an easy invasion due to low morale/not caring among Ukrainians. He fatally misjudged Ukrainian sentiment. Wouldn't be surprised if he was dead in less than 3 months. Oligarchs cannot be happy about what he's bringing down on them due to his massive miscalculation, which quickly spiraled into a pr/sanctions disaster.

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I really don't understand what he's thinking short of it being senility or straight-up "dictator surrounded by 'yes-men." He never came across as being an idiot (brutish and arrogant, sure). I can't see how he thought this was a good idea.

>Ukraine doesn't fucking want you.
>A lot of Russians don't even seem to want you.
>The entire world thinks invading a European democracy is a real bad look, regardless if you think they're nazi, jews, or some sort of hybrid "nazi-jews."

This bromance will stop as soon as hyperinflation strikes. You'll have nothing and be happy, remembah?

It really was a miscalculation.

>NATO member states should spend 2% of GDP on their armed forces
>Germany actually commits to their NATO "obligations"

Shut up, favela faggot

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I was reading YouTube comments last night and fuck me the arrogance of retards to assume that they’ve quickly thought of something that not Putin nor everyone who works for him could have thought of

>sephardic jew says stuff on twitter

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A city is surrounded by 40 mile of Russians. Thankfully Ukraine has won in 6 days. Russia will now turn around and not enter the town after the Wednesday talks.

I don't care what anyone thinks.
It will not stop me from raping my ex.

Why are these faggots so delusional? The West is breaking apart from the inside... they just want to distract and blame things on muh russia... it doesnt and wont unify the people of the west. Nobody actually gives a shit about the ukrainians and even less care for a nation called ukraine... in the mindset of the people demonstrating it is "no border no nation", theyd just let everyone run freely in the western countries if they could decide.

He even has his own VP era Biden

Putin already won. The economy of the west over. It’s China and Russia now

is he wrong?

>putin spent a decade trying break the west apart
no he didn't

The only way I can compute it is they have a distorted view over there of how divided we actually are. The left spent the last decade calling the right here nazis to the point where they're able to shoot unarmed women in the capitol and gulag US citizens while their Maoists tear down statues and burn cities so maybe he thought that would work for him too.

this. Aaaaalllll the fucking right wing populust faggots have revealed their true allegiances, it's amazing I don't think I've seen a single public figure in Sweden even expressing neutrality on this matter. Russia only has to deal with the ukies and stay strong and then we go to town

Nice try Vladimir. It's kinda sad you're still butthurt from the anal rape you got in training

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Do you win when you become a vassal of China?

Says the Euro fag

Is this whole thread people posting Reddit comments? I swear I’ve read that exact text somewhere else


it's funny because the exact opposite is true. Russia is a shithole, always was and always will be, but Putin is handing over the future to China right now.

I don't give a shit what the mayer of Santiago said

Really? How?

We are divided. Western governments don't acknowledge the right wing nor care about their views. Their actions have nothing to do with public sentiment. In fact the media tells westerners what to think.

don't know about that, the west seems quite butthurt so it looks like his efforts are paying off.


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this but unironically.

>Putin spent a decade trying to break the West apart
Lol what?

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The west was always aligned against Russia. This didn't change anything.

It's going be a stand up comedy show that bombs so bad it's funny

Denial, denial, denial. Hard power > Soft power

>We finally have an army again, let's go against Russia... wait, those fucking english bastards have lived peacefully long enough
>WWIII thanks to Germany again

Would be a nice plot twist

>2015 Obama convinces Ukraine to destroy all their heavy artillery in exchange for protection from NATO
>Pelosi senpai and Bidens strong arm Ukraine businesses and government to instill their kids as employees of companies
>billions of dollars siphoned off to their families
Ukraine is their personal piggy bank and cover for all sorts of other shady shit it's no wonder Putin is targeting Ukraine and the US elites are flipping tf out about it.

You niggers really are inferior.
Your propaganda is pathetic.