Will Russians starve to death?

They already had shops like pic rel. What happens now?

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No, because North Korea and Venezuela will send them enough food.

Yeah theyll just sit there and starve. Thats totally whats going to happen lmao.

OMG that other topic saying that most anti russia threads are made by polaks is true

What the fuck

Explain yourself mr polak

>No, because North Korea and Venezuela will send them enough food.

no no no, not venezuela, no

poles are faggots

they don't have food either

>ruble collapsing
>central banks collapsing
>atms empty
>supermarkets running out of goods
>trade on sharp decline
>only partner is china who is buying out all your land for themselves
id say Putin single handedly doomed the future of russian people to becoming minorities in their own homes and slaves in chinese sweat shops.
But at least they got to bomb some Slavs in Ukraine

russians are starving for 30 years already they can starve another 30 years and still be fine

Classic Russian pastime of starving to death.

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It's a supermarket from Detroit?

they have socialism so its all good boys, food for everyone, right?

>DPRK employs its decade of high tech greenhouse research into food production
>russia grows pineapples in siberia
>boomers still make starvation jokes


They will reestablish communism and force people to work on state-owned farms.

Maybe that was the joke?

they learned how to live with sanctions bought food machines, making tractors (few weeks ago sent some order to russian) they are prepaired for sure.

to be fair they might do a holodomor and send all their food to russia so their own people die but their nation remains on good ground with russia

replace food store and food store workers with food machine. da

They just took the biggest wheat fields in Europe. Cope.

Yes they will, becasuse they are the world's largest exporter of wheat

unlike western countries russia is fully self sustainable and controls 30% of the world production of wheat. if the west keeps this retardation up we will starve.

I guess Russia is pretty much self sustained.

yes they will starve. Russia has no farmers, it still baffles me how they are one of the biggest grain exporters.

If they can produce enough grain and potatoes they'll never starve

why would they starve my local walmart has margarine and shitty gmo hormone walmart butter

that butter and cheese is better than kraft singles

were the only people starving

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I wish a Canadabro would post some in-store prices

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Opposition will post some angry Twitter posts about Italian cheese and everything will return to normalcy.

>food locked in safety-boxes
>but only some units

It is not the same product

The whole world should be rationed on everything

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Looking at the prices only the most expensive products are locked

Russians spend their summers in their dachas and grow vegetables. Also, Russia is pretty big and has alot of agriculture. Also China.

>he thinks muscovites knwo first thing about agriculture

Well my dear toilet-cleaner, if you had read my post, youd understand that it includes the city-middle class. They spend their summers in dachas.