Russian soldiers to receive $45,000 to surrender

Who's funding this. Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe, no way they have that money. Either they're bullshitting the Russians or the US is secretly bankrolling it.

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Imagine how hard they'll make it dump right after.

>We are begging for volunteers
>We are begging for donations
>But we will pay you an exorbitant amount to surrender to us.

Fuck the antichrist.

Ukraine's supported by the entire world. They have infinite money.

Russia, in comparison, was bankrupted over a weekend.

it says right there its a UN fund created by the "global IT community"

Why not. If you are poor conscipt who doesn't want to be there what you got to lose.

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>US is secretly bankrolling it
Globohomo in general is throwing all their resources at it.

Watch it be a custodial wallet.

Americans just have them 350 billion ya tard

>Russian soldiers to receive $45,000 to surrender
How very Byzantine of them

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>immediately spend it all on cs:go skins

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your taxes pay this

These are not the actions of a winning side

Jew if true

When does the trial begin and end? Do they decide to hold a trial decades after your surrender once they've destroyed you piece meal? Or do they break your balls literally and make you sing about war crimes just to hang you afterwards?

Never trust a Jew to be merciful or honest.

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Suppose 1000 soldiers accept the offer. That's $45M to remove 1000 combatants, in a peaceful manner, while harming morale amongst the rest of the Russians ("your comrades abandoned the cause for some bitcoin").

Is that cost-effective? I actually don't know. What do fighter jets and javelins cost? What value do you place on avoiding bloodshed? I think many people are sympathetic to the plight of the individual Russian soldier (many of them conscripts).

At first glance, it doesn't seem insane.

>Surrender under the pretense of getting a payout and being allowed to go home
>Get a bullet in the fucking face instead
What kind of a retard would trust these kikes

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You must be living under a rock...
Practically the entire planet is aiding UKR in some sort of way.
Secret... hahahahaha, good one!

So what the fuck is up with this anyway? Putin is literally crashing his economy with no survivors for what purpose? How are they going to recover? Does putin just not give a fuck


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If my brothers in arms got out of the fight with an extra 45k, I'd be happy for them. Some of you are retarded. Nobody joins the military out of patriotism. It's always out of necessity, as a stepping stone to a better life, or they have to.

Something I was wondering for a while is why the Russian soldiers fight at all. As far as I know Ukraine isn't seen as an enemy or dehumanized, and nationalism is state enforced. I, and many normies, would go AWOL the moment someone told us to attack innocents, so what gives?

bitcoins first, then I'll "surrender"

I agree it's looking worse by the hour for Russia. A quick takeover was their only hope. It's not happening.

>900,000 soldiers
>40 billion USD to make them all surrender


They should be worried about said consequences of deserting Soviet Russia.

fuck off shills you're not welcome here

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THE CUSTODIAN OF KYIV has made thousands of Russian soldiers surrender

>Soviet Russia
it's not the cold war anymore glownigger

Fuck off moron its obvious Russias economy is fucked and they don't have any food except imports

>want to be there what you got to lose.
Your homeland for a lousy 45k that wouldn't buy you much outside of Russia.

Meanwhile, a Javelin anti-tank weapon costs $80,000.

Just put that money into NLAW instead

Russia has already been a failed state that fell. He revived it into a shittier failed state and then made it KINDA SORTA stay afloat barely but not even as well as before now its falling again.

Its basically Hati for white people.

>Accept bribe
>Go back to slaughtering Ukrainian pigs

EZ money

2014 Sanctions turned Russia into a food exporter.

Retard wanted to larp as USSR and forgot how interconnected the world is in 2022.
So now he's stuck doubling down on killing a bunch of innocent Ukraine civilians to prove a point to the west while Russian economy crashes with no survivors and the oligarchs start sharpening their knives.

Lol no nigger

>Fuck off moron its obvious Russias economy is fucked and they don't have any food except imports

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your life when the treacherous kikes execute you