Still no war footage

>Still no war footage...
Come on they are making it obvious.

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.u1.jpg (800x765, 72.74K)

I heard the Ghost of Kyiv will release his GoPro footage in an hour.

Plenty of 'Ukraine winning' and anti Russia propaganda though

>ukraine is fending off the russians (who are entirely holding back btw)
>dont mind the encirclements!

It's called censorship you fucking idiot

So do you do this for free like the jannies or does the Kremlin pay you in worthless currency

>muh shills.
Go back faggot.

Normies are supposed to like Ukraine.
All the shills on other boards are all pro Ukranie.
Any Forums is getting a mix that's heavy on pro Russia.

I think they're trying to link the dissident right with Russia to get a little closer to mobilizing the state against us as "traitors".

Attached: 1646003503444.jpg (900x898, 117.17K)

We were paid in Rubles but are now payed in Robux.

It was great in the first 24 hours, then the glowie bot machines and shill brigades decided to drop the fog on the entire fucking internet. Insufferable cunts that they are.

> Look guys I used their words now they'll think I'm one of them

Attached: 1645703643357.png (679x377, 644.18K)

>It's called censorship you fucking idiot
Yes they are censoring all smartphones in the whole country of Ukraine.
Do you also believe in Santa?

why don't they just come after us? what kind of pussies are they they need some gay pretext

Yeah.... and yet cell and internet service not taken down...

Only videos are mostly of Russian troops moving around freely and occasionally moving so fast they outstrip supply.

People are like "omg taking them more than 5 days" or whatever...
Dude it's gonna take weeks, months, and once the objectives are met and russians settle down, it'll still be a year or maybe two till western Ukraine realizes they;ve been btfo'd and come to the table.

Hohols have a lot of steam in the first engagements but will lose steam in the coming months, mark my words. Russians... they build slowly until you cannot deny them. They only way to beat them is to do it fast, super fast. And even if there are defeats here or there, thy still are moving forward, they have the initiative and are forcing Ukrainians to react.

It’s weird how they are somehow unable to photograph any battles at all. Or any of the POW they claim to have captured.

>Yes they are censoring all smartphones in the whole country of Ukraine
This is completely feasible, it wouldn’t even require much effort

This photo looks shopped.
I don't think health bars are a thing irl.

Fake and gay cold war 2.0. The kike oligarchs of Russia and the kike oligarchs of NATO countries are coming together to create a diversion from how they ruined all our economies and injected 70% of normalfags with VAIDS inducing experimental drugs.

Just go to the Russian chans. Plenty of actual footage w/ sound there.

Modern war is just killing and terrorizing civilians until their politicians surrender. They don't line up in fields to shoot at each other anymore, gramps.

I’m beginning to think Ukraine shut down their own internet, didn’t Musk say he turned it back on?
We saw like 50 simultaneous streams of Canadian truckers in minus temperatures.

The internet in Ukraine is just fine, people are livestreaming this boring and uneventful war every day.