If Any Forums existed during the Vietnam war...

If Any Forums existed during the Vietnam war, you guys would have been siding with the Viet Cong to "own the libz" or some shit.

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Any Forums pot was a hero

Yeah, no shit you absolute faggot retard.
Do you really think you're ~le epic owning anyone here by pointing that out?

I fucking love Vadass, Olto whatever that fuck calls himself now.

We'd be saying Gulf of Tonkin was a hoax.

ah my bad it's a fucking subhuman argentinian I shouldn't have expected much

The Vietcong were traditionalists defending their agrarian way of life from globohomo invaders, of course I would side with them.

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Obviously. Young white American men shouldn't be dying for the sake of zipperheads.

anti white globo homo had not fully formed and flourished during vietnam. pol would have been pro nixon and hated commies

Shut the fuck up you fucking stupid globohomo faggot. You think this is about owning the libs? You need to perish? The libs need to be removed from power.

Any Forums would be split, because half of Any Forums would correctly hate the USA for becoming judazied and the fact that Vietnam war was mostly nationalists, and the other half would side with the USA because they would be communists.

You're a nigger. The Vietcongs were wannabe industrialists just like the USSR

I would be asking why the fuck we're fighting communism in Vietnam when the pinkos are on are on our streets?

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Op is a faggot, but you're a macaco. Be ashamed.

Ironically Vietnam is still communist and our government continues to do business with them.

Maybe the US never wanted to succeed in Vietnam?

It was well known during Vietnam that the US was smuggling heroin and firearms throughout SE Asia.

Hard for many civilians and soldiers to support a war they didnt feel was so much about destroying communism as it was money making biz.

>conflating the humble Southern rice farmer with his Northern PAVN neighbors

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Damn right didn’t you see the support the talichads got

Our enemies aren't across the ocean, they're across the street.

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Of course not. We would side with the Jews that lied about Vietnam. Why shouldn't there be black guys from Alabama going there after it's liberated so their women can do IR porn with blackity blax dumb nogs? Why should they hold their lands and traditions instead of running on the fiat Jew.S. dollar?

Unironically yes the Viet Cong are insanely based and they were defending their country, fuck you imperalist.

also falklands

What the fuck you on about. Go reclaim the fokken islands

imagine thinking vietnam was a worthwhile expense of lives.
you are a fucking retard for making that comparison.

We have the up on the score. Cope and seeth.


also America dropped Agent Orange on the Vietnamese and people and their children still suffer to this day from it, America is fucking satanic.

op will perish like a dog and kiev will turn to saigon soon

Or just saying “not our problem”

probably would have opposed the war because it was some jewish scheme

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If Any Forums existed during the Vietnam war maybe the boomers would have grown up with an ounce of goddamn sense.

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No i would have supported never leaving and turning vietnam into a tourist spot

It already is vietnam, the gay little fagget kike already left the country for Ukrainians to die, many of the civilian groups and other resistance surrendered already, there's no point dying.

Hippies were right all along. Make Sneed, not war.


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