More overreach

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I don't know how cryptocurrency works.

I don't recognize America as a sovereign country.

this is how they're going to regulate crypto.

So Onlyfans russians thots are fucked?

how are they going to enforce this tho

Easy. They enforce it on big players. Not on the average citizen.

they're going to put all of the machinery in to control crypto (offramps, exchanges, etc) and then they're going to invent other justifications for when they're allowed to do it

globohomo wants to control your bodily autonomy, how you raise you child, what you're allowed to say, how you spend you money, which opinions you can have...and they also want you to die in their wars

Lmao no chaturfreecams for you!

Russia needs to shut off the gas

A war is always a good excuse to push new laws and dig the heel of the boot in a bit harder :^)

They are going to start arresting people if they buy YNDX.

This. Part of the reason we've always told people not to keep shit on exchange. You could see this coming from a mile away

So kill cops? Got it.


stop me biden

I will be glad to hold your assets in Bitcoin or precious metals until the war is over for a nominal fee

Don't worry they dont either

They would have to do it retroactively in most cases if they practice anything resembling Opsec.

Crypto is a public ledger and they can get access to your IP address, Mac address, metadata/timestamps on your electronic device history every time you interact with a crypto address, so they enforce it retroactively by collating and cross-referencing any activity on crypto addresses/wallets that interact with russians with their create date, exchange login information, wallets they sent to, device storage that was flash-copied during travel, etc

insanely based, fuck you retard

kek, exactly.

if you have crypto, chances are you know how to disassociate any identity to your wallet

same way they get you for spending money in cuba

It doesnt. All you can do with crypto is to buy and hodl. There are few who sell it sometimes, mostly for drugs.

So these fucks decided who's right and who's wrong and we don't have a say? Fuck them I hope putin conquers the world.

ITT: People who don't know what XMR is discussing people who don't know what XMR is. I hate nu/pol/

it works for whatever central american country adopted it

The democracy

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then fucking leave, doctor self fellation. why are you here

The US Treasury doesn't control my transactions and doesn't make laws. Fuck off.