Just what the hell was the last 2 years about?

Just what the hell was the last 2 years about?

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Compliance test.

Turning the masses onto easily programmable automatons.

Advancing the agenda. By the way, while we're distracted with Ukraine several states are sneaking vaccine passports through.

China becoming relevant

You'll see in May.

follow the money



The last two years was to see how far the global populace would bow before globohomo, until a saviour came to stand up and fight back.

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irrelevant* fixed it for you newfag.
you retards are too stupid to do any basic research. China took a 40% GDP hit this last December when their real estate market crashed and they have a country wide food shortage on everything.

deliberate manufactured crisis to get a president they didn't like out of the white house
taking social unrest against big banks, big pharma, etc, creating a circumstance where the general population feels like they are at the mercy of said banks and pharma companies
So it's a lot of work just trying to get NPCs in line, I guess.

Just wait two more weeks.

Making the middle class poorer

Jewish profits, just like what the last five days have been about.

Boomers coping with the fact that they are one foot in the grave.

He’s just the distraction NWO needed

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Mass population reduction that will only become evident in years 5-10

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I hate to say it since I took the vaxx for my comfy city job but it's probably gonna kill us vaxxies off

It was about overpopulation. We will see the population half within our generation

The vaccines obviously did something and it will only get worse for the vaxxed

One big larp for hypochondriacs where they could pretend to be the guest star in their own personal episode of Scrubs. While I knew people were gullible I never realized the depths in went to and how ready to believe even the zaniest bullshit on TV most people were with not a shred of proof at all. Could you imagine if they would have told everyone there was some sci-fi/horror movie cartoon virus with magical properties and the only way to survive is to take a dick in your and your childs ass, how many would have bent over on the spot? But it did break me out of my apathy on my country and made me totally despise and it's fucking retarded people.

Compliance + laying the base for the upcoming vaccine passport that's constantly getting pushed through behind the scenes.
This in turn will become the base for the digital ID.

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I don't know, I was making more money than ever. Imported laser thermometers, facemasks, latex gloves and a shit ton of gel alcohol. Sold everything for 300% profit. Now I run a lab for tests, the margins are just insane. People pay up, I don't complain.

you defeat it with a rad meter and measurements pre and post events

Do you sense other vaxxies thinking the same way now? I only know of a coworkers wife who has got it and won’t get the second or booster because I redpilled her husband on it.

prepping for the real bioweapon that kills 20% of the global population and restructing supply lines between asia & north america for WW3

Basically to out the tards. You're on a list now.

I agree, but the bigger picture was compliance. Any time you were asked by a doctor, your job, whatever about getting the vaccine, hesitation or outright refusal just made you (me as well) an obvious outcast. There is a bigger plan down the road with what they plan to do with mRNA tech, but this was more of a litmus test on how to proceed further, and what percentage of the population will go along with it and what percent wouldn't.

>Just what the hell was the last 2 years about?
your mind getting thoroughly fucked

Proving normalfags are dumb enough to control.

I know everyone at my work regrets getting it especially those who ended up getting covid anyway. These ones seem to have accepted that there's something sinister here

Killing you with kindness works

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u r gay

Great reset agenda as detailed on the economic world forum. Please look at who is a part of the WEF and pay attention to the schizo phrases government types and wealthy are saying

Ffs give it up covid fags.

Hey did that really happen man?

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Yes, but rich.

Why weren't you terrified of a cold virus, with a nearly one hundred percent recovery rate?

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And the average person will not think of doing this, will not even entertain the idea if you bring it up to them, and will blindly believe anything other than the gene therapy killed them.