Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

Attached: Paco.jpg (488x686, 97.02K)

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Why’d you have to fuck all those women?

I think only one of the shots missed, right?


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Didn't miss you back in '63

No way fag

JFK deserved much worse than a bullet


Him and Johnson

JFK was a hero. Only Jews dislike him because his charisma rivaled their control over the masses

miss me yet?

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The only one I miss

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>shills anouncing themselves

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>drug addict
>billions of affairs at a time when America was a strictly Christian nation
>shared a mistress with the head of the Chicago fucking Mob, who was aware of this, and who he owed for delivering Illinois in the 1960 election
>aka Most Blackmailable President Ever
>started the Vietnam War
>pussied out on crushing Castro, leading to a Communist dictatorship off the coast of Florida
>then nearly blew up the world after the Soviets predictably installed nuclear missiles in their new Caribbean outpost
>WW3 nearly happened about 6 different ways during those weeks
>turns out in just about each case it was one single human being who prevented Judgement Day over fucking Cuba

I know he gets the halo painted on him because he got shot, but there's a strong argument to make that JFK was literally the worst President in the history of the USA

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He was a dishonest person,

Even if he was atleast he didn't take our right to own full auto guns like reagan did.

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He was nigger lover too

>started the Vietnam War
I don't know what fucked up criteria you use to claim this, but the US entry into Vietnam wasn't until 1964 under Johnson, you dumb fucking leaf.
>pussied out on crushing Castro
Considering the same people who wanted to crush Castro openly declared their wish to conduct bombings on US soil in order to gin up public zeal to invade Cuba, fuck off glownigger.
One of the most overblown events in US history. Khruschev was never going to attack the US and the entire ordeal served ultimately as a pressure relief valve.

Thats because he was basically a republican.But he hated jews.

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will you mutts ever release info on what actually happened to him?

Once Israel ceases to be a threat, yes.

>I don't know what fucked up criteria you use to claim this, but the US entry into Vietnam wasn't until 1964 under Johnson, you dumb fucking leaf.

holy fuck the ignorance lmao

aside from overthrowing the government of South Vietnam and having them murdered, there were nearly 20,000 American troops in Vietnam at the time JFK got shot. "b-b-b-but they were just ''''''''advisors'''''''' it's all LBJ's fault" stop being so retardedly naive.


>Considering the same people who wanted to crush Castro openly declared their wish to conduct bombings on US soil in order to gin up public zeal to invade Cuba, fuck off glownigger.

You retarded nigger, we're talking about Cuba. Off the coast of Florida. It would have been a snap to invade that shitty little island and crush Castro. Kennedy refused to. He then bailed out on even the half-assed plan he finally grudgingly agreed to.

>One of the most overblown events in US history. Khruschev was never going to attack the US and the entire ordeal served ultimately as a pressure relief valve.

Oh my god lol, Amerifats literally have no idea

They had to have diplomats meeting up in restaurants because it turned out there actually wasn't any way for the American and Russian leader to communicate. The only reason the blockade wasn't annihilated with nuclear torpedoes is that the Soviets had a 3-key system, rather than the 2 keys everyone else used, and the one Soviet officer refused to turn his key. That one guy in that one situation out of about 6 prevented it from being a nuclear war.

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>this guy
>being based
you must pick only one
whoever took him out, jews, glowies, italians, russians are heroes

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My personal theory is that the CIA and Pentagon smoked him to save the world, see


shut up faggot