99% of females are vaccinated

>99% of females are vaccinated
Is it over for humanity?

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>99% of females are vaccinated
No, only 99% of brainlets.

sources say


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My wife decided on her own not to get vaccinated

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that means it's working, virus can't spread through clotted arteries

I guess my woman is not retarded and was raised right

This is probably not even a real stat

Friendly reminder that you nutjobs just don't like being told what to do and that your decision has nothing to do with science or the greater good. Just a reminder.

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shut up you cancerous nigger.
>what i'll be listening to on the day of your suicide

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>just trust the corrupt goverment plus the trillion dollar corrupt pharmaceutical companies bro
Fuck off faggot shill

>they aren't
you are gay

Now you don't have to watch her die

This is the best antivax propaganda I have ever read.

How do I unvaxx?

sick gains brah

No, vaccines we’re bullshit, barely killed anyone, thanks to it being made in china.

Fuck off kike

Thats not a blood clot thats an abscess from shooting heroin retard

My wife got vaxxed
I got vaxxed afterwards
I wanted to make sure that "those in need" were able to get one before my priveleged self.
And I figured if it killed her, I wouldn't want to live anyway

My kids aren't vaxxed though, and I think many parents made the same decision

I didn't let my kids get it, except for my youngest daughter, by she was not born yet when my wife got her first shot

My main point is, even if you're worried about fertility because of the vaccine, we have a whole new generation coming already

I have the Rona right now. It was 2 days with fever and a constant headache. Glad I didn’t take an experimental vaccine for this

*White females

Not if you take your meds, schizo.

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no, see you tomorrow buddy

No, the Pfizercaust is a huge cope. Imagine thinking you'll be lucky enough that everyone you disagree with accidentally committed impending suicide and you'll be some pvreblood post-apocalyptic feudal kang or some retarded shit. Yeah, some of the vaxtards will get fucked up, sterilized, clotted, etc, but it's not going to be enough to make your life better in any meaningful way.

wish we could find out what percentage of gene therapy/vaccine are cohort data and what percentage are placebo?