Russian army not encrypting their radio channels

>Russian army not encrypting their radio channels
>Tune in
>scared soldiers crying and begging for support and ukrainians hacking in to taunt them
uhhhh....russia bros....

Attached: 1646073670796.jpg (746x900, 74.3K)


Attached: ukrofag.png (1920x1280, 66.22K)

Lol based. Fuck Putiniggers and Fuck Jannies

No such things as encrypted radio, you need to encrypt the message instead

You're literally retarded

>not encrypting
>Ukrainians hacking in
Choose the direction you're going to take before you start writing you nigger ape. This is middle school shit

He's Australian what do you expect?

ever heard of cryptography dumbarse?

i expected him to be based

Let this one slide as well I guess

Then you haven't been paying attention

does it actually work? I don't feel like getting my HD radio out.

Hey now go easy on big bro, something something ANZAC

>hacking radios
>encypting radios

nigger how fucking retarded are you. You can't hack signals or some shit and the way military uses radio is secret codes and words for certain shit.

y'all are fucking retarded read a book

I've been listening for a few hours, they're mostly just using it for gay hookups

Australians based? If "based" means "vulgar morons", then yes, very.


omg we did it brs
this is just like cracking the engima of those ebil germans in ww2!

Attached: 1646030587960.jpg (750x920, 98.58K)

Bitcoin won't save them retard

Just scan and it'll pop up on the frequency they're running


Attached: 2JLftvv.jpg (486x750, 83.46K)

Listening in on WebSDR user.

totally real and not propaganda

This. If anything, this shows how much of a threat memekraine is

Getting activity on 7140.

whats an hd radio user?
what frequencies are active? going to listen here in the states on my rig

Attached: warwickdavis.webm (640x360, 623.8K)

RUSSIAN ON 7105.00!


i can hear some digital noise, thats it.

No shit theyre scares how can you not have sympathy for them they're mostly kids this SUCKS

I am looking at the chat on the Websdr site and apparently there's a troll on 7105.

its so low its not even breaking squelch. could be something over here.

yeah i'm sure that's real and not a theatrical distraction at all!
>you now remember the trollface posted in the waterfall before this started
>appear weak when you are strong

This isn't reddit, buckaroo...


fbpb and checked


i actually highly doubt the 40+ y/o soviet equipment they send to Ukraine has encrypted radio

everything below 10Mhz (30 meters) is usually lower side band.

Check out 7115 LSB! Convo!

you can encrypt something on a radio from the 40s. youre attaching other hardware

The Russians are coming.

Speaking of which, where are they in the Ukraine? 150,000 troops have invaded the country?

18,000 auto weapons have been distributed to Ukrainian citizens in Kiev/Kyiv?

So tell me this. Have you seen any video footage of actual armed clashes between Ukrainian civilians/soldiers and Russians? Actual back and forth prolonged shooting? (Not aftermath stuff.) I haven’t.

With the Ukraine press on high alert, and with a zillion cell phones active in the country, I should have seen MANY gun battles, live, by now. If there are any.

Have you heard the word DRONES?

I haven’t. I’d think the Russians have some drones. But no. Seems like all the reported air battles are happening between planes with pilots in cockpits. Do it the old fashioned way.

Did you see the extraordinary footage of a line of Russian tanks and armored vehicles all blown up and twisted on a quiet road in broad daylight?

Who destroyed them, and how? And in or around those vehicles, did you see any DEAD RUSSIAN BODIES? I didn’t. I would think there were quite a few. Where did they go? Who took them away, and why? Were these Russian vehicles operated by remote control from Moscow?

One retired US general claimed on FOX/CNN: these Russian vehicles were sent into the Ukraine with absolutely no thought of what their drivers would do when they quickly ran out of fuel after a few hours—since there are no supply lines. And that was the Putin battle plan. “Drive as far as you can, fire your weapons at tall buildings, empty your fuel capacity, and then just sit there.” REALLY? THAT’S WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING? SOMEBODY FORGOT ABOUT SUPPLY LINES? We’re supposed to buy that scenario?


Of course, as in every recent war, US TV reporters, “on the ground” in the Ukraine, are doing stand ups in stone quiet areas where nothing at all is happening, and these “reporters” are relaying press updates originating from New York and Washington. That’s standard. “We’re sending you to Kiev/Kyiv on the midnight flight, Fred. Don’t forget your helmet. We’ll feed you AP dispatches through your earpiece and you just repeat them…”

Meanwhile, NATO is on high alert, international payment processors have shut down certain Russian banks and accounts, some government (I missed the country name) is sending jet fighters to the Ukraine. Really? Who’s going to pilot those planes? Ukrainians? “Where’s the brake and the ignition? What are these buttons for?”