If you smoke this garbage, you are a worthless degenerate and a hindrance to society who deserves to be removed...

If you smoke this garbage, you are a worthless degenerate and a hindrance to society who deserves to be removed. Simple as.

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yea,but you're some stinky spic..so,hah!

holy shit you got so buttblasted by the other thread you had to make this? you're fucking pathetic.

I've been eating it instead, does that count?

>it's a another Any Forums gets fudded out of spiritual growth thread

You guys know the scene in Cabin in the Woods where the airborne chemicals mind controlled everyone but the stoner?
Remember how the stoner could see what was really going on?
Remember how the whole thing was an occult ritual?
Well I hope ya believe in ghost stories...

You probably smoke more than anyone else, hypocrite.

It makes anal sex more fun.

Smoke nightly and probably 10x more productive than you.

52, professional making over $200K/year
Father of 4 children, 2 in college 2 in high school, all well adjusted and good students, and more importantly... all conservative.
Husband, church goer, neighborhood volunteer, and running for local government.

Yes, I'm a weed addict..... tell me how I'm a degenerate when my life is probably cleaner and whiter than yours.

i make 2,800 a week and get cooked as fuck on my weekends. stay mad

suck my cock faggot

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I aming in agreements

I just quit smoking weed 2 weeks ago. I'm raging so hard 24/7. The smallest shit sets me off. Almost pulled my pistol on a broccoli haired zoomer who cut me off on the interstate. I'm fucking RAGING, bro.

cool story

I agree ur supposed to smoke bid not the leaves

gay stoner chat:

discord gg/dN7BgVeY

>Almost pulled my pistol on a broccoli haired zoomer who cut me off on the interstate.
That's normal. I'm like that every day.

you do realize that you an just smoke only at night or have any kind of self-control with it right?
personally it helps me sleep so I can actually do shit I need to do later

I know :( sorry

Lmao only a duckling would smoke a Green leaf and not a curated bud.

bros how do i cure my plants without roommates smelling them

weird bc the same can be said about your entire shitstain of a country

smoking marijuana is for niggers. the white man marches on with his edibles.

Degenerate drug addicts absolutely ASS-BLASTED, KEK!
Go jerk off 5 times a day while you smoke two joints.

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You use Any Forums