What would the actual response be if putin just said fuck it and dropped one single nuke on Ukraine?

serious question curious to see what people say, lets say he just stops giving a fuck for some reason, would all the NATO countries just let loose and kill everybody?

lots of people talk like the first nuke is the start of WW3 and in this case it probably still would be but in doing this russia also isn't technically doing anything to / attacking anybody they aren't currently

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He would fuck his own country with the radiation dust.

double secret sanctions
NATO doesn't fuck with big armies

He'd get nuked by everyone at that point

true but honestly doubt even real world putin would care enough if that was the only deterrent lmao

He almost conquered Ukraine why should he nuke it?

Also that Clown Zelenskiy wants to start WW3 but he wont get it

i know, it's just a hypothetical, am just curious to see how people think the world / mostly NATO countries w nukes would react

Ukraine civillian cities should be glassed and the current carpet bombings are not war crimes

There is no such thing as an innocent ukrainian, at least anywhere near the war zone

Just look at the videos, they are putting road spikes and coming together to make molotovs

Kill them all

>what would the actual response be if putin just said fuck it and dropped one single nuke on Ukraine?
woah woah hang on there buddy, i know there's been a lot of shilling on this board for america's darling in this fight, but c'mon, the guy's not dropping nukes, he's not even threatening too. face it, the guy isn't biden lmao

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Invasion of Russia by almost every country in the world.

We all die

>yet to drop a single bomb
>decides to go full retard with a nuke
In what scenario does this happen?

>double secret sanctions

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>what would the actual response be if putin just said fuck it and dropped one single nuke on Ukraine?
This is an actual scenario of the beginning of a modern nuclear war by Princeton University. This action would require a similar response by western powers in order to maintain the balance of nuclear deterrence. One-for-one. This would probably result in Russia then striking against the NATO member in Europe, which would in turn trigger the USA to launch a ballistic missile strike against Russia, and Russia would then retaliate with whatever they had left. It's on youtube.

found the simulation

I hate that video cried a little ngl

Pretty sure no one would deploy just 1 nuke. Whoever the first aggressor is, would launch all nukes in their arsenal at the same time.

He should nuke the ukraine's airbase in Poland.

I guarantee that his location is precisely known and that there is a 24,000 pound tungsten light pole orbiting the earth right with his name on it. The rod and the ring will strike.

I would celebrate.

>what would the actual response be if putin just said fuck it and dropped one single nuke on Ukraine?
Its like this conflict is from my sci-fi books..

>Cachat persuades Dusek to organise a resistance movement against the Mesan security forces, ahead of the crackdown and the eventual overthrow of the current regime. While Cachat, Palane and Tretiakovna aid the resistance effort, Zilwicki returns to Manticore to request a relief fleet from Duchess Harrington. When Office of Public Safety forces enter the seccy districts and begin slaughtering people indiscriminately, the gangs resist violently with stockpiled weapons, inflicting heavy losses on the OPS and driving them back. The Mesan Internal Security Directorate is sent in only to similarly suffer severe casualties until Hancock Tower is destroyed by a large kinetic energy weapon, which causes significant collateral damage in the citizens' area of Mendel. Finally, the Mesan Planetary Peaceforce is deployed to defeat Dusek's forces in Neue Rostock.

>Though the MPP is able to finally bring Dusek to the brink of defeat after weeks of fighting, the damage has already been done: the seccy groups in the other districts and Mesa's other cities have managed to organize their own resistance movements, and the illusion of the security forces' invincibility has been permanently shattered. Then shortly before Dusek, Cachat and the others are to make their final stand, the Royal Manticoran Navy's Tenth Fleet under Admiral Gold Peak arrives and takes control of Mesa, bringing the bloody conflict to a close.

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It's a hypothetical question you fucking retard. And yes Russians have been dropping bombs, but that's another matter.

>91.5m in 3hrs
More like triple that.

he wasn't threatening to nuke what he wants to take
hell nuke us/france/germany