Glen Greenwald

Glen Greenwald
Tulsi Gabbard
Russel Brand
Edward Snowden
Julian Assange
Jimmy Dore
Bill Maher
About a hundred others.

All these people are leftists, you know. They're not "one of you". They're actually extreme far outright-communist or practically-outright-communist ultraleftists. You guys seem to have this idea that they're "the right". They're not. I say this as someone on the far left who gets annoyed by you morons thinking I'm "one of you" everytime I agree with you on some dumb meaningless social issue. Isn't that Tim Pool guy another far leftist who you all decided is "one of you" even though he disagrees with like everything you all think, esp on economics?

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Remember that "Sargon of Akkad" guy? That guy was really far left, I remember. I remember watching his videos back like a billion years ago now. 2013 or something.

Economics don't matter and have never mattered, every single materialist ideology is a cancer, that's not what we look at

All these people sell feed and seed and or suck and fuck, they're not "one of you"

nice schizo post

LMAO no words for how dumb this is. You know to the people in power only the economic questions matter and the retarded social issues you obsess about are considered red meat to dangle in front of you and get you to vote against your own economic interests

they are liberals, not faggot lefties like you.

Sure, Russel might be a bleeding heart idealist but he talks in detail to normies about "the great reset". Nice try though.

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>They're not "one of you".
No one claimed they were. What a shit thread. Kill yourself.
Jannies clean it up.

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At least these people have names.
where are your great information talking heads?
Oh right, commies don't have names.

You're out of your mind. These people are literally the furthest left wing of anything that can even be considered semi-mainstream politics. It's crazy you people don't under understand this. These people are literal socialists.

I would be pleased to have sex with Tulsi

I can agree with someone on some things but not agree with them on others. I'm not a retard who needs to constantly be connected to the collective and suffer cognitive dissonance.

Tulsi is based tho, her military career is forgiven

k keep us updated

Do you really think that these are......"right-wingers" or whatever? Like you thought Julian Assange was a "right-winger"?


I don't mind if they are liberals.
They have shown that their minds can be changed based on evidence.
Which also implies that their minds could be changed on race and nationalism.
I would be able to have a civil conversation with them about anything which is why I don't hate them.
I think they could be easily convinced to leave me alone and let me have my whites only town.
Where as the actual ultra-leftists (as you put it) would want to literally kill me and liberals for their beliefs

Attached: Francis Montague Holl (1845-1888) No Tidings from the Sea - 1870.jpg (1772x1389, 1.34M)

a democrat wrote this, stay mad tyrant

They're not liberals, they're the way far ultra left. Julian Assange is a communist. Everyone else on the list is either a communist or a socialist

They're not liberals. These people are communists and socialists. IDK how you all don't understand this. It's insane the cognitive dissonance on the right

take meds

You people. My god. Insane the ignorance.
Here he is talking with one of the most famous modern communists

were you bullied at school, xir?

im socially right wing in the sense I oppose trannys, oppose it being taught in schools, oppose direct democracy, support strict constitutionalism, and support kinda old schooly family values.

My economic views are not some free market lolbert nonsense. I support severe restrictions on free trade, corporate power, immigration, and stong anti trust laws that auto activate once companies reach a certain size. Essentially as close to socialism as you can get without touching "it". I believe the proper term is called distributionalism. But either way, its what a beleive. Idc about the labels. If someone and I have agreement on majority of the important issues, but we have minor disagreements on implementation or where the edge is, it doesn't matter. We're fighting the same fight.

Jesus Christ man, you guys really can't see past anything other than bigotry and racism, can you? Everything just comes down to bigotry and racism to you. Actual issues that matter in politics are totally alien to you

god dammit you bumped it. kys