Is Brazilian Integralism based?

Is Brazilian Integralism based?

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The mega autist on the right side holy fuck I'm cringing so hard

gay masks

Just based on this pic, yes.

me on the right

Created by Plínio (((Salgado))) and inpired by his european power hungry and effeminate cousins.

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the concept of "integral man" is gay as shit

fuck niggers

>brazilian mathematical fascism
Will never not be funny.

qrd on wtf brazilian integralism and would you bros accept me as a member of the party as a white dude who needs to flee south?

>Macaco flag

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just read a quick note on it
>multiracial fascism

You can't get any more jewish than that:

The various political leaderships raised among Integralism dispersed into various ideological positions during subsequent political struggles. Some former members who maintained ties with the political Right participated in the (CIA backed freemason) 1964 military coup that overthrew President João Goulart. Other former integralists associated later with the Left, such as Goulart's foreign minister Santiago Dantas, and the Catholic bishop D. Hélder Câmara.

>use symbol for sum


>inb4 integral is continuous sum


Ok So I actually looked into the ideology some and it looks legit. It' basically like Mestizo fascism. It's traditionalist and nationalist and it persecuted Commie scum. Pretty much the ideal Brazilian political order.

imagine being an integralist and marching around all day with your multiracial fascist bros. After a long day a brazilian girl would sit on your face and jerk you off. based?

Only incels join the moviment kek

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Militant race-mixers who copied Mussolini's centralizing measures while ignoring the fact that Italy or Germany are actual nations, whereas Brazil is just a dysgenic conglomeration of continental proportions. These guys are just as bad as actual communists, if not worse. Their ideology calls for a Khalergi plan of their own, where we fix our lack of identity by just mixing everything into a poop-colored paste. That's not how you achieve actual unity, I need not tell you. Or a population with an average IQ above that of a baboon. Fucking lunatics.

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Mussolini, the freemason of questionable genetics? The one that got lynched by his own man?

Unironically yes, based

Thats what they say about all rightist movements. IDC who joins, the idea seems perfect for Brazil.


redpill me on differences between summation and integration?

Embrace Brazilian Integralism
Return to monke

There wearing masks. Gay and kiked

the masks might not be related to covid but just anti-favela nigger stink shields

we accept them but they can only fuck woman their shade or darker i nthe winter months

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1000 times more based than bolsonaro's cucked fake conservative ass thats for sure

These are the "branco" Brazilians.

It could be more based if you made sure no Brazilians moved here.

Yes, that guy. Don't love Mussolini or feel the need to defend him, just saying his ideas made more sense in Italy than they would in Brazil. You can't micro-manage a country of these proportions. You don't forge a common identity out of thin air, by just destroying local cultures and forcing miscigenation. That's how you create tangible, dizzying alienation.

>if you made sure no Brazilians moved here.
Portugal is a globohomo colony. Literally africans are your future,demography is destiny.

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