
Why do all the people who drink this shit hold leftist positions? I'm intrigued to try it but if it's gonna turn me into a spiritually enlightened leftist fag I will pass. Any natsoc anons here drink it?

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it will turn you into an /x/ redpilled schizo though
good luck

NatSoc here, do it, it brought me closer to god and showed me that basically the people around me are in a trance.

Makes you not want to have kids because the anti-christ is building neuralink and will enslave all of humanity.

More like left fags are more willing to talk about themselves and the stupid shit they do so they can feel special and unique


You will drink this shit promoted by CIA and its only source on South-American shamanism from which all the peer-reviewed sources stem. You will feel your neural circuits dance and a sea of openness. You will dissolve your ego programs and feel what it is like to be the god-complex. You won't learn a thing since you're part of your incarnation matrix, and memories will subside. You will, depending on your dosage, have psychological problems or get rid of some. Overall, it's a great drug for hypnosis and reprogramming if combined with an expert, but since it will be a shaman you'll become a ZOG for peace and love.

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don't use too much vinegar, you will puke much much longer than necessary

I think that's just a sterotype. It's more likely to make you believe that politics don't matter at all.

Start with mushrooms, they only last 2-3 hours.

Ayahuasca is an 8 hour ordeal which includes significant shitting and vomitting. They're all DMT-type molecules anyhow.

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it will probably just give you the shits but let us know how it goes

You have a choice at the end of the trip and many choose to go back to what they know since it’s psychologically most comforting

Magic mushroom enthusiast here
LSD is a MKuktra drug developed by the gubbermint, don't do that shit it's gay.
Ayahuasca is probably pretty based but it's tricky since you have to go see a gay shaman and puke and shit your guts out next to cringe faggots instead of wherever you want in nature.

Gross a brown replied to me

Maybe people adding ritualistic new age religious mumbo-jumbo chants while drugging others with peak psychodelics has something to do with it.
The beverage itself is thousands of years old and has nothing to do with left or right.

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I read OP’s post as “Ashwaghanda” and wondered what the fuck was going on


New-age scammers sell it without knowing its ancestral origins as a catalyst for divine experience. As many other sacred herbs it was targeted in the hippie revolution and subsequent CIA degrading (think McKenna) and dumbed down as a "drug" when it is in fact a powerful trigger for unblocking the natural multi-dimensional perception that this vessel is capable of. Do NOT do it if you are feeling uneasy and weak.

haha it doesn't fucking matter if you think you're strong either, it's going to fuck your shit up regardless

Natsoc shamans when?

It's not that ayahuasca turns people into leftists, it's often leftists narcissist thrill seekers who go down to ol' South America way on a drug-tourism bender. They're always 20-something sheltered little children who think since they once ate a cap and stem that they are now ready for The Purge. They're almost always not. BUT, it is a good experience overall. Not a comfortable one, not a fun one, but an excellent life-altering event none the less. It'll hit you in subtle ways long after the actual trip and the feeling are forgotten.

Part of the blame also lies on the "shamans" down there who are happy to take some American cash in exchange for babysitting some San Francisco twats for 12-24-48 hours depending on how hard they react.

It's a business to some, it's a chase for others, but it's ultimately an experience that just won't allow itself to really be classified. It'll always be there. Take your time if you want this journey friend.

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tongue my anus nigger

>Natsoc shamans when?
since forever?

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Actually was somewhat liberal when I did 2 weeks in Iquitos for a Spiritwuest retreat with Don Robert, who was written about in the book Singing to the Plants.

In the subsequent years I started visiting this place and you can probably guess what happened next. Above all, it's a technology that gives you glimpses of things behind our normal perception. It was the first place I saw energy vampires/shadow people and realized they are actually real, living entities. I didn't even know what they were until I read Colin Wilson's work a few years after.

they meet demons and lose their souls.
Bad guides
if you are going to do it, keep your ego intact, refuse entry.

hello Chile bro, I got invited next week to try shroomz for the first time but I found out about HPPD, should I be worried?

>Ayahuasca is probably pretty based but it's tricky since you have to go see a gay shaman and puke and shit your guts out next to cringe faggots instead of wherever you want in nature.
you don't have to do any of that if you take pharmahuasca instead, whether or not that makes a difference because of le plant spirits is up to you
i don't see how being in a hut with 10 puking strangers can ever be pleasant experience

Accurate, I was that San Francisco twat. Regardless of you are, the technology will do it's thing to you.

My one advice to anyone interested is that setting matters. Do it with a real, honest shaman and not some faggot on a reservation outside LA. Aya is different from snorting bullfrog DMT at burning man. There were times I thought I was going to go insane and the Shaman's icaros (songs) brought me back to a good place.