Why is Japan ignoring the war?

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they have a low fertility rate they're ignoring their whores too

Too busy producing porn for Netflix

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Same reason most other white people over 90iq are ignoring the slavshit war.

They only care about themselves

Klaus Schwab boasted on camera that Putin is one of his WEF (World Economic Forum) puppets, along with Trudeau, Merkel, Macron:

There are 2 scenarios:
1. Putin defected from the WEF and is now at war with them
2. Putin is still controlled by the WEF and it's all political theater working towards the Great Reset


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They're not, Japan is also sanctioning Russia.

Because they know it isn't real

Why the fuck should they care? Why should anyone?

Uuhh... To stop it before it's too late? Hello?

Stop what?

Two bitches

Only thing Japanese are worried about is if a missile comes to Japan.

World war
Maybe do something to prevent that?

>World war
>starting a world war over a bunch of worthless slavniggers
This really is a clownworld.

They can prevent that by not getting cunty with Russia and not caring about your gay Eurofag problems, now fuck off. Fucking Hohols are of no concern to anybody except those in the immediate area. Even their neighbors should mind their own business.

You think they will stop after taking Ukraine? Based retard

Do what? We already have sanction on Russia. We have no army and cannot send any military support to any other countries by law.


fuck reddit

fuck niggers

fuck women

fuck jews

fuck soys

fuck discord debaters

>We have no army and cannot send any military support to any other countries by law.
I see. Good to know, thanks

I'm ignoring it also Slavs tongue my Anus.

Sure, you think they really want or have the money and resources to conquer a whole continent when it doesn’t benefit them strategically? You’re the retard and even if they wanted to take Europe, not my fucking problem and my country does not need to be sticking its nose in other peoples’ business. We have our own shithole country to try to fix up and secure. Everyone else is on their own and too bad if they didn’t choose to build a good defense for themselves. Not my problem and no country is trying to conquer an entire continent right now you fucking idiot. Let those Slavs fight it out on their own.

You fags in the butthurt belt also don’t warrant me giving a fuck about Russia bullying you, figure it out on your own.

>my country does not need to be sticking its nose in other peoples’ business
If they don't need it why do they do that? Genuinely asking here

What war? We pulled out of Afghanistan.

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1. they too far away
2. they know how nukes feel
3. their brains too burned up from the first nuke

Same reason Eurofag leaders act against the best interests of their own people. The EU did not need to take in all those migrants, the leaders of countries tend to do what they want for their own personal gain at the expense of the people they are meant to represent. I advocate for my country not getting involved in foreign nonsense, fixing up pur own problems here at home, then continuing to mind our own business indefinitely.

Makes sense. What about the scenario in which Putin goes ahead with his nuclear threats? Just a bluff? Or even if real, low to no chance it will escalate up to affecting USA?

Not their (or my) problem.